Українська євангельська теологічна семінарія

Why people matter, a Christian engagement with rival views of human significance

233 WHY /1//1
Kilner J. F., ;
Why people matter : a Christian engagement with rival views of human significance / Kilner, John F. (ed.). — Grand Rapids : Baker Academic, 2017. — x, 223 pages ; 23 cm. — ISBN 978-0-8010-4940-8 (pbk)
ДКД 233
ДКД 233
In the face of current arguments over issues related to human life and dignity, Christians need to be clear about how their faith speaks to such concerns and what other outlooks have to say. John Kilner's Why People Matter, a timely engagement with a topic of great cultural and societal importance, brings together noted ethicists to make a Christian case for human dignity. It offers a robust critique of five influential alternative positions, including the emerging outlook of transhumanism, showing how a Christian view supports the crucial idea that people matter in a way other views cannot the crucial idea that people matter

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