Українська євангельська теологічна семінарія

Adventures in evangelical civility, a lifelong quest for common ground

270.83 MOU /1//1
Mouw R., ;
Adventures in evangelical civility : a lifelong quest for common ground / Mouw, Richard J.. — Grand Rapids : Brazos Press, 2016. — ISBN 978-1-58743-391-7
ДКД 270.83
ДКД 270.83
"Richard Mouw's account of his 'adventures in Christian civility' is, for the reader, an adventure through American, evangelical, and ecumenical evolution between the last century and this. It is written in the fullness of his voice--as a teacher and leader, a Christian public intellectual, and an immensely wise and gracious human being. Most importantly, it winsomely brings into relief the virtue of Christian humility with which he has walked the faithful, exacting intersection between the positions one holds and the way one treats kin, strangers, and enemies along the way. How grateful I am that Richard Mouw is in the world, and how glad I am that he has written this book."

—Krista Tippett, executive producer and host, On Being and The Civil Conversations Project; president, Krista Tippett Public Productions

"Fine gems often come in small packages. With graceful prose and elegant simplicity, Mouw draws on classical Calvinists, biblical scholars, Mormon leaders, recent historians, Catholic and Anabaptist theologians, and theist and atheist philosophers to explore the manifold links between common and particular grace. As the premier evangelical public intellectual of his time, Mouw finds a mandate squarely within historic Christian orthodoxy for 'convicted civility.' This mandate calls for a principled effort both to speak to other ears and to listen to other voices that have similarly sought to see the glories of God's self-revelation in the wider reaches of contemporary culture."

—Grant Wacker, Gilbert T. Rowe Professor Emeritus of Christian History, Duke Divinity School; author of America's Pastor: Billy Graham and the Shaping of a Nation

"Richard Mouw has helped many of us make sense of so much over the years. Now he gives us a fascinating and intimate portrait of how his own convictions were formed. It is a lively and spirited tale of his journey through studies in philosophy, theology, and political theory, interspersed with stories of ecumenical dialogues and important encounters with religious leaders from diverse traditions. In the evangelical community, no one has more effectively defended and encouraged bringing orthodox Christian faith into the public arena with civility and clarity than Mouw. As Christians face the ongoing challenges of living faithfully in public life, this book is an inspiring testament by a man who has served as a model to so many."

—Michael Cromartie, vice president, Ethics and Public Policy Center

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