Українська євангельська теологічна семінарія

The Communicator's commentary Volume OT 21 Micah - Malachi

221.77 COM /OT21//1
Kaiser W.C., Ogilvie L.J., ;
The Communicator's commentary / Kaiser, Walter C., Jr. (aut.); Ogilvie, Lloyd John (ed.). Volume OT 21. Micah - Malachi. — Dallas : Word Books, Publishers, 1986. — 494 p. ; 24 cm.. — (The Communicator's commentary series. Old Testament ; 21). — ISBN 0-8499-0427-7 (v.OT21)
ДКД 221.77
ДКД 221.77
"Bridging that enormous chasm between the 'then' and the 'now' in the writings of the Minor Prophets is no easy task," Dr. Walter Kaiser, Jr. admits, but that is exactly what he set out to do in this volume on the Old Testament books from Micah to Malachi. Dr. Kaiser voices his concern that the tendency of our generation to ignore the message of these prophets may skew our theology and warp our preaching. So, in this fine volume of the Communicator's Commentary, he calls us to open our hearts and minds to the hope and light our age can find in the books which conclude the Old Testament canon

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