Українська євангельська теологічна семінарія

Paul on trial, the book of Acts as a defense of Christianity

226.607 MAU /1//1
Mauck J.W., ;
Paul on trial : the book of Acts as a defense of Christianity / Mauck, John W.. — Nashville : Thomas nelson Publishers, 2001. — xviii, 236 p. ; 24 cm.. — ISBN 0-7852-4598-7
ДКД 226.607
ДКД 226.607
JOHN W. MAUCK provides an exciting new way of understanding the Book of Acts. With great skill and powerful arguments, the author contends that Acts was written primarily to defend Paul for his forthcoming trial in Rome. After reading Mauck's volume, the read we will not only gain a fuller understanding of Acts, but also obtain rock-solid arguments for defending Christianity and understanding its Jewish roots

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