Українська євангельська теологічна семінарія

The gospel community and its leadership

262.0017 TIL /1//1
Tiller, John ;
The gospel community and its leadership / John Tiller ; Mark Birchall. — Hants, UK : Marshall Pickering, 1987. — 168 p.. — ISBN 0-551-01398-2
ДКД 262.0017 254.5 262.72 262.1 253
ДКД 262.0017 254.5 262.72 262.1 253
I. The problem
1. Can the churches be revived?
2. Clericalism
3. Cultic religion
4. Institutionalism
II. The vision
5. The gospel community
6. Leadership in the gospel community
III. Grounds for hope
7. The changing scene
8. How some churches have established corporate leadership
9. Lessons of corporate leadership
10. Clarifying the vision
The authors present a vision of renewal that is both biblical and accessible. They examine the contemporary experience of a variety of churches against Jesus' radical definitions of the priesthood, the temple and sacrifice in his own day.

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