Українська євангельська теологічна семінарія

One Voice, A Dramatic Musical for Easter

263.93 STE /1//1
Sterling, Robert (arranger) ;
One Voice : A Dramatic Musical for Easter / Deborah Craig-Claar ; Robert Sterling. — Waco, Texas : Word Music, 1994. — 151 pages : musical score
ДКД 263.93 268.6
ДКД 263.93 268.6
Song Titles:
The Kingdom of Heaven is at Hand
One Voice
Something Greater
And the Wind Blows
Where Hope Is Still Alive
In My World
Blessed is the King
Underscore: Scene 6A
Underscore: Scene 6B
This Man of Sorrows
Underscore: Scene 7
Underscore: Scene 8
The Kingdom of Heaven is at Hand (Reprise)
One Voice (Reprise)
Script and musical score, intended to be presented as a staged work.

One Voice traces the story of two of these most pivotal figures in the hours following Jesus' death: the man who provided the tomb (Joseph of Arimathea) and the man who helped carry the body (Nicodemus). This dramatic, scriptural story leads to the heart of Easter events, delivering a powerful message of the necessity of not remaining a secret follower in today's dark world.

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