Українська євангельська теологічна семінарія

The Hyles Sunday School Manual

268 HYL /1//1
Hyles, Jack ;
The Hyles Sunday School Manual / Jack Hyles. — 1969 : Sword of the Lord Publishers, Murfreesboro, Tennesee. — ISBN 0-87398-373-4
ДКД 268
ДКД 268
1. The Organization of Sunday School
2. The Division of Departments
3. The Division of Adult Classes
4. Buildings and Equipment
5. Publicizing the Sunday School
6. Sunday Morning Schedule
7. The Enlistment and Qualifications of Sunday School Teachers
8. The Teachers' and Officers' Meeting
9. Proper Preparation
10. The Weekday Duties of the Teacher
11. The Presentation of a Lesson
12. Promotion
13. The Beginner Department
14. The Primary Department
15. The Junior Department
16. Special Classes

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