Українська євангельська теологічна семінарія

Word Studies in the New Testament, Volumes 1 (The Synoptic Gospels, Acts of the Apostles, Epistle of Peter, James, and Jude) and 2 (The Writings of John)

225.404 VINC /1//1
Vincent, Marvin R. ;
Word Studies in the New Testament : Volumes 1 (The Synoptic Gospels, Acts of the Apostles, Epistle of Peter, James, and Jude) and 2 (The Writings of John) / Vincent, Marvin R.. — s. l. : s. n.. — From the library of Jim and Jill Harper. — ISBN 0-8028-8083-5
ДКД 225.404
ДКД 225.404

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