Українська євангельська теологічна семінарія

The Church of My Dreams, Revelatory Insights into the Revolutionary Church of Tomorrow

262.72 BEA /1//1
Beaumont, John ;
The Church of My Dreams : Revelatory Insights into the Revolutionary Church of Tomorrow / John Beaumont. — Shippensburg, PA : Destiny Image Publishers. — 167 p. . — From the library of Jim and Jill Harper. — ISBN 0-914903-61-6
ДКД 262.72 262.7 263 262.1
ДКД 262.72 262.7 263 262.1
1. The shape of the church
2. The fire of God
3. The whole Christ in the whole church
4. Breaking the bottleneck
5. Bottleneck of Juan tradition
6. Be Different!
7. Is there a faith key for bottleneck-breaking?
8. Impulse
9. Who runs the church?
10. What is the Church?
11. funerals and festivals
12. Festivals
13. The nature of leadership
14. Authority in the church
15. Functional leading
16. The David church
17. The heart of the matter
18. Sailing into tomorrow

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