Українська євангельська теологічна семінарія

Dynamic Duo, The, The Holy Spirit and You

231.3 REN /1//1
Renner R., ;
Dynamic Duo, The : The Holy Spirit and You / Renner, Rick. — Orlando : Creation House, 1994. — ISBN 0-88419-362-4
ДКД 231.3 248.4
ДКД 231.3 248.4
If the cry of your heart is to walk as Jesus walked and to know the power of the Holy Spirit that the Bible talks about, you have picked up the right book. The Holy Spirit is not an "it" that supplied a grand entrance for the early church. He's a person of the Godhead who want to help you grow in a fulfilling, exciting partnership with Himself. In The Dynamic Duo you'll discover: • Your role as a partner with the Holy Spirit • His guidance for your life • The ten responsibilities of the Holy Spirit • His personality and desires The Holy Spirit passionately yearns to fulfill His responsibility to the Father to help, teach, guide and empower you!

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