Українська євангельська теологічна семінарія

Assemblies of God at the Crossroads, The, Charisma and Institutional Dilemmas

262 POL /1//1
Poloma, M.M. ;
Assemblies of God at the Crossroads, The : Charisma and Institutional Dilemmas / Margaret M. Poloma. — First edition. — Knoxville : University of Tennessee Press, 1989. — 309 p. . — ISBN 0-87049-604-2
ДКД 262 253
ДКД 262 253
I. Varieties of Pentecostal Experience
1. Pentecostal Reality Construction
2. Charismatic Experience in Focus
3. Glossolalia and Spirit Baptism
4. Divine Healing in Pentecostal Experience
5. Charisma and Leadership
6. Assessing the Thesis
Prophets and Priest
7. Women in Ministry
8. The Called and the chosen
9. Socializing the Saints
10. The Spirit and the law
11. Maintaining a Pentecostal Worldview through Ritual
12. Revisiting the Dilemmas
III. Keeping Dilemmas alive
13. Scandals in televangelism
14. Charisma and Ideology

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