Українська євангельська теологічна семінарія

I Choose to Change, The Scriptual Way to Success and Prosperity

266 IDA /1//1
Idahosa, B. ;
I Choose to Change : The Scriptual Way to Success and Prosperity / Benson Idahosa. — East Sussex : Highland Books, 1987. — 126 pages : ill.
ДКД 266
ДКД 266
1. God's Wealth is Yours
2. Drearming God's Dream
3. Fear the Lord and be Faithful
4. Choosing to Follow God
5. The Fruits of the Vine
6. Prosperity is more than Money
7. Religion or Christianity?
8. Living in God's Abundance
9. Giving and Receiving
10. Positive Confession
11. Living Like Abraham
12. Success Anywhere
13. Master Key to Success
14. Understanding Success and Prosperity
15. Faith Way to Success - One Day at a Time
God desires that his children should prosper in all things, in every aspect of life. That is the belief that Benson Idahosa shares as he calls us to practise an active faith in a good God.

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