Українська євангельська теологічна семінарія

Breath of Life, The Story of the Ruanda Mission

266 JOH.B /1//1
John, P. ;
Breath of Life : The Story of the Ruanda Mission / Patricia St. John. — London : The Norfolk Press, 1971. — 238 pages : ill.. — ISBN 0-85211-004-9
ДКД 266
ДКД 266
1. The Seed
2. Foundations
3. Reinforcements
4. The Translation
5. Over the Border
6. Breath of Life
7. Leprosy
8. Northward and Southward
9. Burundi
10. Life Out of Death
11. The Sound of a Mighty Wind
12. The God of the Valleys
13. The War Years
14. Into All the World
15. The Emergence of Education
16. The Development of the Medical Work
17. The Growth of the Church
18. The Church in the Fire
19. Refugees
20. Maintaining the Life
This book tells the story of an outstanding twentieth-century work of God. It traces the Ruanda Mission through a period of appalling famine and disease, through the fascinating days when the most enduring revival of modern times fell on the Church and its bewildered missionaries, through days of vicious civil war and heroic martyrdom, to the present time when all Africa is at the cross-roads.

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