Українська євангельська теологічна семінарія

Philosophy today

100 GIL /1//1
Gill, J. ;
Philosophy today / Gill, J.. — New York : Macmillan company, 1968
ДКД 100
ДКД 100
1) Linguistic Analysis: 'Wittgenstein on Ethics' by W, Waismann, Rhees; 'Unity of W's Thought' by O'Brian; 'Three Ways of Spilling Ink' by Austin, 'Austin at Criticism' by Cavell. 2) Existential Analysis: 'Christianity and Nonsense' by Allison; 'Heidegger's Thouht' by Borgmann; 'Marxist Existentialism' by Lessing; 'Existential Phenomenology' by Asher Moore and Rollo Handy. 3) Ethics and Responsibility, 'Truth's Debt to Freedom' by Warner Wick; 'How to Derive Ought from Is' by Searle; 'He Could Have Done Otherwise' by Chisholm; 'On Saying the Ethical Thing' by Frankena.

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