Українська євангельська теологічна семінарія

Priesthood and Sacraments, A Study in the Anglican-Methodist Report

265 BEC /1//1
Beckwith, R.T. ;
Priesthood and Sacraments : A Study in the Anglican-Methodist Report / R. T. Beckwith. — Appleford, Great Britain : Marcham Manor Press, 1964. — 128 pages. — (Latimer Monographs)
ДКД 265 265.1 265.3
ДКД 265 265.1 265.3
1. Approaching the Subject
2. Priesthood
3. The Sacraments
4. Baptism
5. Holy Communion and the Wesley's Hymns
6. Holy Communion and the Methodist Statement
Appendix: Intercommunion

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