Українська євангельська теологічна семінарія

New Testament documents, The

225.12 BRU /1//1
Bruce, F.F ;
New Testament documents, The / Bruce, F.F. — London : Inter-Varsity Press
ДКД 225.12 225.93 226.1
ДКД 225.12 225.93 226.1
1. Does it matter?
2. The New Testament documents: their date and attestation
3. The Canon of the New Testament
4. The Gospels
5. The Gospel Miracles
6. The Importance of Paul's evidence
7. The writings of Luke
8. More archaeological evidence
9. The evidence of early jewish writings
10. The evidence of early gentile writers
Suggestions for further reading
Index of names and subjects
Index of Scripture References

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