Українська євангельська теологічна семінарія

Let my people grow, Ministry and leadership in the church

262.001 HAR /1//3
Harper, M. ;
Let my people grow : Ministry and leadership in the church / Michael Harper. — London : Hodder & Stoughton, 1977. — 254 p.. — ISBN 0-340-21573-9
ДКД 262 253
ДКД 262 253
I. On the road to Bristol: a prologue
1. Let my people grow!
2. The sacred cow of professionalism
II. The church and its ministry
3. What it is all about
4. The divine pattern
5. The apron of humility
6. The charismatic dimension
III. The church and its member
7. The church and the churches
8. All the best
9. No other option
10. Is there a blueprint?
IV. The church and its leaders
11. Leadership in the local church
12. Are bishops really necessary?
13. Who are the leaders?
14. The only evidence: a summary of arguments
Harper calls for reform of the church and its ministry.

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