Українська євангельська теологічна семінарія

24 Ways to Improve Your Teaching

268 GANG /1//1
Gangel, K.O. ;
24 Ways to Improve Your Teaching / Kenneth O. Gangel. — Wheaton, Illinois : Victor Books, 1974. — ISBN 0-89693-235-4
ДКД 268
ДКД 268
Thinking about Teaching Methods
1. Learning Through the Lecture
2. Tell Me a Story
3. Teaching Through Role Playing
4. Techniques of the Scripture Search
5. Teaching by Discussion
6. Questions and Answers
7. Using Buzz Groups in Your Teaching
8. The Panel Discussion
9. Debates Stimulate Interest
10. The Forum/Symposium as a Teaching Technique
11. Discovering the Discovery Method
12. Using Projects in Teaching
13. Instructive Play as Learning
14. Field Trips in Church Education
15. Teaching for Memorization
16. Research and Reports
17. Teaching Through Music
18. Using Handwork in Church Education
19. The Interview as a Teaching Technique
20. Teaching with Case Studies
21. Drama in the Classroom
22. Creative Writing as a Teaching Technique
23. Developing Instructive Assignments
24. Testing as a Teaching Method
Because classes differ in interests, mental ability, and attention span, teachers of Bible truth must carefully select teaching methods appropriate for their students. And teachers who wish to be really effective will search for a variety of methods to capture attention. The author clearly spells out 24 distinct ways to present lessons. The methods he suggests will help you make lessons come alive to a greater degree.

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