Українська євангельська теологічна семінарія

A Celebration of Praise, Exciting Prospects for Extraordinary Praise

264 EAS /1//1
Eastman, D. ;
A Celebration of Praise : Exciting Prospects for Extraordinary Praise / Dick Eastman. — Grand Rapids, Michigan : Baker Book House, 1984. — 165 pages. — ISBN 0-8010-3420-5
ДКД 264
ДКД 264
I. The Object of Our Praise
God's Reality
God's Unity
God's Totality
God's Complexity
God's Simplicity
God's Infinity
God's Eternity and Immensity
God's Immutability
God's Incarnation
Taste and See
God's Character Amplified

II. The Content of Our Praise
Week 1: Loving, Timeless, Present, Unique, Spotless, Glorious, Great
Week 2: Holy, Excellent, Reliable, Strong, Sufficient, Measureless, Wise
Week 3: Majestic, Creative, Available, Mighty, Steadfast, Generous, Able
Week 4: Just, Invincible, Beautiful, Kind, Responsible, Changeless, Forgiving
Week 5: Faithful, Powerful, Healthful, Secure, Peaceful, Radiant, Righteous
Week 6: Merciful, Joyful, Infinite, Stable, Wonderful, Accessible, Sovreign
Week 7: Truthful, Knowing, Patient, Complete, Gracious, Victorious, Good

Christians who want new excitement and an increase in the spiritual depth of their devotions will welcome this stimulating guide to praise. Part One surveys the specific facets of God's person. Part Two includes forty-nine praise words with appropriate Scripture references.

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