Українська євангельська теологічна семінарія

New Testament History

225.95 BRU /1//1
Bruce F. F., ;
New Testament History / Bruce, F.F.. — New York : Anchor Books, 1972
ДКД 225.95
ДКД 225.95
Principal abbreviations
1. From Cyrus to Augustus
2. The Herodian succession
3. Judaea under roman governors
4. The Philosophical schools
5. The High Priests
6. Hasidim, pharisees and sadducees
7. The Essenes
8. The Zealots
9. The Qumran community
10. The Messianic Hope
11. Judaism at the Beginning of the Christian Era
12. John the Baptist
13. Jesus and the Kingdom of God
14. Jesus and the Kingdoms of the World
15. Trial and Execution of Jesus
16. The Primitive Jerusalem Church
17. Stephen, Philip and the Hellenists
18. Paul: The Early Years
19. Crisis under Gaius
20. Herod Agrippa, King of the Jews
21. Early Gentle Christianity
22. The Jerusalem decree
23. Claudius and Christianity
24. Macedonia and Achaia
25. End of the Aegean Mission
26. Judaea: The Later Procurators
27. Paul: The last Phase
28. End of Church and temple in Jerusalem
29. Christianity in Rome
30. Christianity at the Endof the New Testament Period
This book recounts the Roman and Jewish context of New Testament times...the lives of John and Jesus, and the history of the first two generations of the Church.

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