Українська євангельська теологічна семінарія

Light from the Ancient East, New Testament Illustrated by Resently Discovered Texts of the Graeco-Roman World

225.4 DEI /1//1
Deissmann, A. ;
Light from the Ancient East : New Testament Illustrated by Resently Discovered Texts of the Graeco-Roman World / Deissmann, A.. — Grand Rapids : Baker Book House, 1978. — ISBN 0-8010-2886-8
ДКД 225.4 225.6 221.486 225.9
ДКД 225.4 225.6 221.486 225.9
The main text of this work is written in a manner to be understood in all essentials by the general reader without specialist knowledge. For the same reason the Greek and Latin texts have been furnished with translations, a good means of enabling the author to check his impressions. A large number of the more important texts are presented in facsimile. In obtaining the necessary photographs, rubbings, etc., the author was assisted by several scholars and publishers at home and abroad.

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