Українська євангельська теологічна семінарія

Christ's Witchdoctor, From Savage Sorcerer to Jungle Missionary

248 DOW /1//1
Dowdy, H.E. ;
Christ's Witchdoctor : From Savage Sorcerer to Jungle Missionary / Dowdy, H.E.. — New York : Harper & Row, 1963
ДКД 248
ДКД 248
From the dust jacket: Christ's Witchdoctor is a gripping account of the witchcraft-dominated life of a primitive tribe in British Guiana and of the thrilling transformation that took place with the coming of the American missionaries. This uniquely authentic story is told through the recollections of Elka, a respected witchdoctor and the first Christian convert among his people..

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