Українська євангельська теологічна семінарія

Understanding Management, Study guide for Management

261.85 KRE /1//1
Kreitner, R. ;
Understanding Management : Study guide for Management / Robert Kreitner ; Margaret A. Sova. — Third Edition. — Boston, Massachusetts : Houghton Mifflin Company, 1986. — 380 pages : ill.. — ISBN 0-395-40028-7
ДКД 261.85 651.3 651.7
ДКД 261.85 651.3 651.7
I. The Management Challenge
1. The Nature of Management
2. The Evolution of Management Thought
3. The Changing Environment of Management

II. Planning and Decision Making
4. Planning: The Primary Managment Function
5. Strategic Management: Planning for Long-Term Success
6. Decision Making and Creative Problem Solving

III. Organizing, Staffing, and Communicating
7. Organizations and Organizational Cultures
8. Organizing
9. Staffing and Human Resource Management
10. Communicating

IV. Motivating and Leading
11. Motivating Job Performance
12. Group Dynamics: Trust, Politics, Conformity, and Conflict
13. Influence Processes: Power, Leadership, and Behavior Modification
14. Change and Organization Development

V. Controlling
15. The Control Function
16. Managing Information
17. Operations Management

VI. Expanding Horizons in Management
18. Social Responsibility and Business Ethics
19. International Management
A good overall introduction to basic management principles.

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