Українська євангельська теологічна семінарія

Introducing New Testament Interpretation

225.6 MCK /1//1
McKnight, S. ;
Introducing New Testament Interpretation / McKnight, S.. — Grand Rapids : Baker Book House, 1989. — ISBN 0-8010-6260-8
ДКД 225.6
ДКД 225.6
Editor’s Preface to Series
Editor’s Preface to Introducing New Testament Interpretation
Introduction: The Challenge of New Testament Study for Evangelicals Today
James D. G. Dunn
1 New Testament Background
Warren Heard
2 New Testament Textual Criticism
Michael W. Holmes
3 New Testament Greek Grammatical Analysis
Scot McKnight
4 New Testament Word Analysis
Darrell L. Bock
5 Sociology and New Testament Exegesis
Thomas E. Schmidt
6 New Testament Theological Analysis
L. D. Hurst
7 The Function of the Old Testament in the New
Craig A. Evans
Selected Bibliography
This volume discusses various hermeneutical methods used in understanding the New Testament such as word studies, grammatical analysis, New Testament background, theological synthesis, textual criticism, and use of the Old Testament in the New.

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