Українська євангельська теологічна семінарія

The Church in the Bible and the World, An International Study

266 CAR /1//1
Carson, D.A. ;
The Church in the Bible and the World : An International Study / D. A. Carson, ed.. — Grand Rapids, Michigan : Baker Book House, 1987. — 359 pages. — ISBN 0-8010-2526-5
ДКД 266
ДКД 266
1. The Biblical Theology of the Church
2. The Church as a Heavenly and Eschatological Entity
3. Worship in the New Testament Church
4. Ministry in the New Testament
5. Church and Mission: Reflections on Contextualization and the Third Horizon
6. Syncretism, Secularisation and Renewal
7. The Church and Persecution
As Christianity makes its impact upon widely different social contexts around the world, new questions arise about the interpretation of the church's biblical identify and mission. Among the topics dealt with are mission, ministry, workshiop, syncretism, persecution, the church as a heavenly and eschatological entity and the biblical theology of the church.

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