Українська євангельська теологічна семінарія

Toward a Christian Philosophy of Higher Education

268 GRU /1//1
Grueningen, J.P. ;
Toward a Christian Philosophy of Higher Education / John Paul von Grueningen, ed.. — Philadelphia, Pennsylvania : Westminster Press, 1957
ДКД 268
ДКД 268
I. Theory
1. The Need: A World View / Edin H. Rian
2. A Protestant Theory of Education / Joseph Haroutunian
3. Faith and Reason / J. Edward Dirks

II. Personality
4. Community and Personality / Theron B. Maxson
5. Christian Personality and Christian Education / Conrad Bergendoff
6. The Learner-Teacher Relationship / William E. Hulme

III. Method
7. Curriculum in the Christian College / Merrimon Cuninggim
8. Materials and Methods in the Christian College / Ruth E. Eckert
9. Administration in the Christian College / O.P. Kretzmann

IV. Goals
10. The Goals of Christian Education / Kenneth I. Brown
11. The Marks of a Christian College / D. Elton Trueblood
This book sets forth a Christian philosophy of higher education which colleges may profitably adapt to individual needs. With the thesis that Chrstianity has a science of knowledge relevant to the present and valid for seeks of truth today, the book offers discussionby eleven prominent Protestant educators of important areas in the structure of education.

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