Українська євангельська теологічна семінарія

New Testament Theology, Basic Issues in the current debate

230.0415 HAS /1//1
Hasel, G.F. ;
New Testament Theology : Basic Issues in the current debate / Hasel, G.F.. — Grand Rapids : Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company. — ISBN 0-8028-1733-5
ДКД 230.0415 230
ДКД 230.0415 230
I. Beginnings and development of NT Theology
From the reformation to the Enlightenment the Age of Enlightenment
From the Enlightenment to Dialectical Theology
From Dialectical theology to the Present
II. Methodology in NT Theology
The Thematic Approach
The Existentialist Approach
The Historical Approach
The Salvation History Approach
Concluding Remarks
III. The Center and Unity in NT Theology
The Issue
The Quest for the Center of the NT
Salvation History
Covenant, Love, and Other proposals Christology
The Center of the NT and the Canon within the Canon
Patterns of Disunity and Discontinuity
Overemphasis of NT - Underemphasis of OT
Underemphasis of NT - Overemphasis of OT
Patterns of Unity and Continuitu
Historical Connection
Scriptural Dependence
Promise - Fulfillment
Salvation History
Unity of Perspective
V. Basic Proposals toward a NT Theology: A Multiplex Approach
NT Theology as a Historical-Theological Discipline
NT Theology Based on NT Writings
NT Theology Presented on Basis of Books and Blocks of Material
NT Theology Presented on Basis of Longitudinal Themes
NT Theology Reveals Unity
NT Theology and Biblical Theology
Selected Bibliography
Index of Names
Index of Subjects

Recent years have witnessed the publication of a vast amount of material on New Testament theology. Many theologians, unable to agree on the nature, function, method, and scope of this discipline, have offered their own interpretations of the subject. Unfortunately, this increasing variety of approaches has resulted in a tension and confusion among scholars and students.

Gerhard Hasel addresses the situation with an in-depth discussion of the basic issues of the debate. He begins with a comprehensive survey of the emergence and development of New Testament theology over the last two centuries. From this overview he discerns various issues which have led to the present state of crisis in this area of study. Professor Hasel examines the issues related to methodology, to the unity of the New Testament, and to the relationship between the New and the Old Testaments. He concludes with some basic proposals for doing theology with an historical and theological method which seeks to be faithful to the biblical material.

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