Українська євангельська теологічна семінарія

The Measure of a Church

262 GET /1//1
Getz, A. ;
The Measure of a Church / Gene A. Getz. — Glendale, California : Regal Books, 1975. — 159 pages. — ISBN 0-8307-0398-5
ДКД 262
ДКД 262
1. What Is a Mature Church?
2. Love - The Greatest of These
3. Love - What It Is
4. Love - and the Functioning Body
5. Love - The Bridge to the World
6. Hope - How It Can Be Recognized
7. Hope - And the Church at Ephesus
8. Hopr - And the Church at Thessalonica
9. Faith - A Biblical Perspective
10. Faith - And the Hebrew Christians
11. Faith - How It Can Be Recognized
12. Producing a Mature Church

The author Biblically illustrates the need in churches by God's standards, for the corporate faith, the corporate hope and above all, the love for one another and for all mankind.

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