Українська євангельська теологічна семінарія

The New Reformation, Returning the Ministry to the People of God

262.15 OGD /1//1
Ogden, G. ;
The New Reformation : Returning the Ministry to the People of God / Greg Ogden. — Grand Rapids, Michigan : Zondervan Publishing House, 1990. — 224 pages : ill.. — ISBN 0-310-31021-0
ДКД 262.15 253
ДКД 262.15 253
Introduction: Unfinished Business

I. The Church in the New Reformation
1. The Church as Organism
2. The Institutional Entrapment of the Church
3. One People/One Ministry
4. Implications of One People/One Ministry

II. The Pastor in the New Reformation
5. Dependency: A Counterproductive Model of Ministry
6. The Pastor as Equipper for Ministry
7. Implementing the Equipping Model of Ministry

III. Leadership in the New Reformation
8. Who Are the Equippers?
9. Servant Leadership: Empowering the Body to Its Ministry
10. Call and Ordination inthe New Reformation
This book is a mercilessly accurate analysis of the historical and theological forces that have reduced the church to a rigid and sterile institution. But it also presents a vibrant call to recover from Scripture the living forces that can transform it into the prevailing church.

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