Українська євангельська теологічна семінарія

Science and the Bible, 30 scientific demonstrations illustrating scriptural truths Vol 2

215 DEY /2//1
DeYoung Donald B., ;
Science and the Bible : 30 scientific demonstrations illustrating scriptural truths / Donald B. DeYoung. Vol 2 . — Grand Rapids, Mich. : Baker Books, 1997. — 103 p. : ill.. — ISBN 0-8010-5773-6
ДКД 215 268 268.6
ДКД 215 268 268.6
1. The crystal garden
2. The floating axhead
3. Swirling clouds
4. Keeping in balance
5. Blue skies and red sunsets
6. Amplifying sound
7. No air to breathe
8. Dancing raisins
9. Whiter than snow
10. A blind spot
11. Solving a puzzle
12. Wonderful water
13. Harmless fire
14. Walking together
15. Rocks that fizz
16. A smothered candle
17. Sink or swim
18. Creating a picture
19. Not enough pull
20. Walking on eggshells
21. A downhill race
22. Members of the family
23. Looking in the mirror
24. Bursting with new life
25. A shield
26. A bubble of water
27. Danger-deep water
28. Spreading outward
29. Silly putty
30. Turning a ship
Thirty fun, easy, and safe science experiments that teach kids and teens biblical principles.

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