Українська євангельська теологічна семінарія

Perspectives on the world Christian movement (Запис № 12375)

000 -Маркер запису
Маркер (контрольне поле довжиною 24 байти) 08187nam a22001931i 4500
001 - Ідентифікатор запису
Ідентифікатор біб-запису 12375
100 ## - Дані загальної обробки
Дані загальної обробки 20160923 |||y0rusy50
101 ## - Мова
Мова тексту, звукової доріжки тощо англійська
200 1# - Назва
Основна назва Perspectives on the world Christian movement
Підзаголовок A reader
Перші відомості про відповідальність Ralph D. Winter, ed
Наступні відомості про відповідальність Steven C. Hawthorne, ed.
210 ## - Місце та час видання
Місце публікування, друку, розповсюдження New York
Назва видавництва, ім’я видавця, розповсюджувача, тощо Harper & Brothers Publishers
Дата публікації, розповсюдження, тощо 1999
215 ## - Фізичний опис
Специфічне визначення матеріалу та обсяг документа 782 p.
320 ## - Примітки
Текст примітки Index
327 ## - Примітки
Текст примітки 1. The Living God is a Missionary God / John R. W. Stott<br/>2. Israel's Missionar Call / Walter C. Kaiser, Jr<br/>3. Everyone's Question: What is God trying to do? / Stanley A. Ellison<br/>4. The Bible in World Evangelization / John R. W. Stott<br/>5. The Biblical foundation for the worldwide mission mandate / Johannesburg Verkuyl<br/>6. The story of His Glory / Steven C. Hawthorne<br/>7. Let the nations be glad! John Piper<br/>8. On mission with God / Henry T. Black any and Avery T Willis, Jr.<br/>9. Witness to the world / David J. Bosch. Two forces / Jonathan Lewis<br/>10. The Gospel of the Kingdom / George Eldon Ladd; D-Day before V-E Day / Ken Blue<br/>11. God at War / Gregory A Boyd<br/>12. Beyond duty / Tim Dearborn<br/>13. Jesus and the Gentiles / H. Cornell Goerner<br/>14. The Master's Plan / Robert E. Coleman<br/>15. A Man for all peoples / Don Richardson; A violent reaction to Mercy<br/>16. Mandate on the Mountain / Steven C. Hawthorne<br/>17. discipline all the peoples / John Piper<br/>18. The turning point: setting the Gospel free / M. R. Thomas<br/>19 Acts of Obedience / Steven C. Hawthorne<br/>20. The Apostle Paul and the missionary task / Arthur F. Glasses<br/>21. A church of all peoples / Kenneth B. Mulholland<br/>22. The church in God's plan / Howard A. Snyder<br/>23. Prayer: Rebelling against the status quo / David Wells<br/>24. Strategic Prayer / John D. Robb<br/>25. Prayer Evangelism / Ed Silvoso<br/>26. Lost / Robertson McQuilkin<br/>27. The uniqueness of Christ / Charles Van Engender<br/>28. The supremacy of Christ / Ajith Fernando<br/>29. If I perish / Brother Andrew<br/>30. Suffering and Martyrdom: God's strategy in the world / Josef Tson<br/>31. Apostolic Passion / Floyd McClung<br/>32. The hope of a coming world revival / Robert E. Coleman<br/>33. The Kingdom strikes back: ten epochs of redemptive history / Ralph D. Winter<br/>34. The Church is bigger than you think / Patrick Johnstone<br/>35. The two structures of God's redemptive mission / Ralph D. winter<br/>36. Missionary societies and the fortunate subversion of the church / Andrew F. Walls<br/>37. The history of mission strategy / R. Pierce Beaver<br/>38 Four men, three eras, two transitions: Modern missions / Ralph d. Winter<br/>39. A history of transformation / Paul Pierson<br/>40. Women in mission / Marguerite Kraft and Meg Crossman<br/>41. Europe;s Moravians: A pioneer missionary church / Colin A. Grant<br/>42. Student Powr in world missions / David M. Howard<br/>43. A historical surgery of African Americans in world missions / David Cornelius<br/>44. An enquirer into the obligation of Christians to use means for the conversion of the heathens / William Carey<br/>45. The call to service / J. Hudson Taylor<br/>46. China's Spiritual need and claims / J. Hudson Taylor<br/>47. Tribes, tongues and translators. Wm. Cameron Townsend<br/>48. The glory of the impossible / Samuel Zwemer<br/>49. The responsibility of the young people for the evangelization of the world / John R. Mott<br/>50. The bridges of God / Donald A. McGavran<br/>51. The New Macedonia: A revolutionary new era in mission begins / Ralph D. Winter<br/>52. World mission survey / Ralph D. Winter and David A. Fraser<br/>53. Are we ready for tomorrow's kingdom / Ralph D. Winter<br/>54. cultural differences and the communication of the gospel / Paul G. Hebert<br/>55. Culture, worldview and contextualization / Charles H. Kraft<br/>56. The role of culture in communication / David J. Hesselgrave<br/>57. Redemptive analogy / Don Richardson<br/>58. Why communicate the Gospel through stories? / Tom A. Steffen<br/>59. Three encounters in Christian witness / Charles H. Kraft<br/>60. The flaw of the excluded middle / Paul G. Hebert<br/>61. Social structure and church growth / Paul G. Hebert<br/>62. Communication and Social Structure / Eugene A. Nida<br/>63. The viable missionary: learners, trader, story teller / Donald N. Larson<br/>64. The difference bonding makes / E. Thomas and Elizabeth S. Brewster<br/>65. Identification in the missionary task / Wlliam D. Rye burn<br/>66. God's Messenger / Phil Parshall<br/>67. Do missionaries destroy cultures? / Don Richardson<br/>68. Toward a cross-cultural definition of sin / T. Wayne Dye<br/>69. cultural Implications of an Indigenous church / William A. Smaller<br/>70. The missionary's role in cultural change / Dale W. Kietzman and William A Smalley<br/>71. The Willowbank Report / The Lausanne Committee for World Evangelization<br/>72. Finishing the task: the unreached people's challenge. Ralph D. Winter and Bruce A. Koch<br/>73. Who (really) was William Carey? / Vishal and Ruth Mangalwadi<br/>74. The mission of the kingdom / Ralph D. Winter<br/>75. On the cutting edge of mission strategy / C. Peter Wagner<br/>76. Covering the globe / Patrick Johnstone<br/>77. The challenge of the cities / Roger S. Greenway<br/>78. From every language / Barbara F. Grimes<br/>79. How many people groups are there? Larry Walker<br/>80. Helping the wounds of the world/ John Sawson<br/>81. State of world need / World Relief Corporation<br/>82. Evangelism: The leading partner / Samuel Hugh Moffett<br/>83. What is poverty anyway?/ Bryant Myers<br/>84. The urban poor: who are we? /Viv Grigg<br/>85. Transformational Development: God at work changing people and their communities / Samuel J. Vortices<br/>86. Dependency / Glenn Schwartz<br/>87. The spontaneous multiplicati8on of churches / George Patterson<br/>88. His glory made visible: saturation church planting / Jim Montgomery. The shopping window of God / Wolfgang Simson<br/>89. Evangelization of whole families / Chua Wee Hian<br/>90. A church in every people: plain talk about a difficult subject / Donald A. McGavran<br/>91. The evanelization of animists / Alan R. Tippett<br/>92. Christian Witness to Hindus / The Lausanne Committee for World Evangelization<br/>93. Christian witness to the Chinese people/ Thomas Wang and SharonChan<br/>94. Reaching Muslim people with the Gospel / Ishak Ibraham<br/>95. On turning Muslim stumbling blocks into stepping stones / Warren Chastain<br/>96. Going too far? / Phil Parshall; The C1 to C6 Spectrum / John Travis<br/>97. Must all Muslims leave "Islam" to follow Jesus/ John Travis<br/>98. Context is critical: A response to Phil Parshall's "Going to Far" / Dean S. Gilliland<br/>99. Going Far Enough: Taking some tips from the historical record / Ralph d. Winter<br/>100. A pioneer team in Zambia, Africa / Phillip Elkins<br/>101. A work of God among th Hakka of Taiwan / Ernest Boehr<br/>102. the impact of missionary radio on church planting / William Mial<br/>103. Pigs, ponds and the Gospel / James W. Gustafson<br/>104. South Asia : Vegetables, fish and Messianic Mosques / Shah Ali with J. Dudley Woodberry<br/>105. Reaching the Barnada people of Barunda / Paul Pearlman<br/>106. God wanted the Matigsalogs reached / Jun Balayo<br/>107. Sarabia: an indigenous Arab Church / Greg Livingstone<br/>108. An upper class people movement / Clyde W. Taylor<br/>109. Ann Croft and the Fulani / Fatima Mahoumet<br/>110. Distant thunder: Mongols follow the Khan of Khans / Brian hogan<br/>111. A movement of Christ worshipers in India / Dean Hubbard<br/>112. What it means to be a World Christian / David Bryant<br/>113. Recon secretion to a wartime, not a peacetime, lifestyle / Ralph D. Winter<br/>114. Senders / Stephen C. Hawthorne<br/>115. Charting your journey to the nations: ten steps to help get you there / Steve Hoke and Bill Taylor<br/>116. Join the world Christian movement / Ralph D. Winter<br/>117. The power of integrated vision / Bill and Amy Stearns<br/>118. The awesome potential for mission found in local churches / George Miley<br/>119. Tent makers needed for world evangelization / Ruth E. Siemens<br/>120. The world at your door / tom Phillips and Bob Norsworthy<br/>121. A global harvest force / Larry Keyes<br/>122. Lessons of partnership / Bill Talor<br/>123. The power of partnership / Phillip Butler<br/>124 The Lausanne Covenant<br/>Scripture index, Index, About the Editors<br/>114. <br/><br/><br/><br/><br/>
676 ## - ДКД
Індекс 266
686 ## - Індекси інших класифікацій
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700 ## - Особисте ім’я
автор Winter, R.D.
801 ## - Джерело походження запису
Установа UA-KiUET
Дата 20190513
942 ## - Додаткові дані (Коха)
Тип одиниці (рівень запису) Книги
Класифікаційна частина шифру збереження 266
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Шифр замовлення 266 WIN.P /1//1
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