Українська євангельська теологічна семінарія

The Impact of Ethnic, Political, and Religious Violence on Northern Nigeria, and a Theological Reflection on Its Healing (Запис № 25316)

000 -Маркер запису
Маркер (контрольне поле довжиною 24 байти) 05213nam0 2200217 4500
001 - Ідентифікатор запису
Номер ідентифікації примітки 25316
010 ## - ISBN
ISBN 9781907713156
100 ## - Дані загальної обробки
Дані загальної обробки 20201116d2011 km|y0engy50 ba
101 #1 - Мова
Мова тексту, звукової доріжки тощо англійська
102 ## - Країна публікації/виробництва
Країна публікації ВЕЛИКА БРИТАНІЯ
200 1# - Назва
Основна назва The Impact of Ethnic, Political, and Religious Violence on Northern Nigeria, and a Theological Reflection on Its Healing
Перші відомості про відповідальність Sunday Bobai Agang
210 ## - Місце та час видання
Місце публікування, друку, розповсюдження Carlisle, Cumbria
Назва видавництва, ім’я видавця, розповсюджувача, тощо Langham Monographs
Дата публікації, розповсюдження, тощо ©2011
215 ## - Фізичний опис
Специфічне визначення матеріалу та обсяг документа 309 p.
327 ## - Примітки
Текст примітки Contents <br/> <br/>Acknowledgments <br/> <br/>Abstract <br/> <br/>Introduction <br/>Chapter 1 <br/>Understanding the Impact of Ethnic, Political, and Religious Violence on Nigeria <br/>Abstract <br/>Introduction <br/>1.1 The Social Context of Violence in Nigeria <br/>1.2 An Analysis of the Causes of Violence <br/>1.3 An Alternative Approach to the Issue of Violence in Northern Nigeria <br/>Chapter 2 <br/>Rethinking Ethnic, Political, and Religious Violence on Nigeria <br/>Abstract <br/>1. Toward an Analysis of the Concept of Violence <br/>1.1 Defining Violence <br/>1.2 The Dimensions of Violence <br/>2. Summary <br/>3. Conclusion <br/>Chapter 3 <br/>Understanding the Triadic Connections of Ethnic, Religious, and Political Violence in <br/>Northern Nigeria <br/>1. The Issues at Stake <br/>1.1 An Analysis of the Assumption <br/>1.2 The Commercialization of Religion <br/>1.3 The Impact of Mammon vs. Jihad <br/>2. The Triadic Connection of Violence <br/>3. Conclusion <br/>Chapter 4 <br/>Understanding the Root Causes of Ethnic, Political, and Religious Violence in Nigeria <br/>Introduction <br/>1. The Broad-Based Analysis of the Perceived vs. Real Threat <br/>1.1 The Humanist Agenda in Nigeria <br/>1.2 An Analysis of the Sources of the Threat <br/>1.3 An Anatomy of Nigeria’s Federalism <br/>2. A Case Study of Some Selected Practical Situations of Violence in Northern <br/>Nigeria <br/>2.1 Kafanchan Crisis, March 1987 <br/>2.2 Kano Crisis, October 1991 <br/>2.3 Kaduna Shari’ah Crisis, February 2000 <br/>3. Conclusion <br/>Chapter 5 <br/>Understanding the Impact of Violence on Christians’s Christology: Moltmann’s Ex- <br/>periential Contribution<br/>1.2 Questions Raised by World War II <br/>1.3 Moltmann’s Central Thesis <br/>1.4 Developing Creative Love Creates an Alternative to Violence: Dialogue <br/>2. Insights from Moltmann’s Theme of God Entering into Suffering <br/>2.1 M. Douglas Meeks <br/>2.2 Richard Bauckham <br/>3. The Prevailing Paradigm: Enculturation and Liberation <br/>3.1 Contrasting Liberation Theology in Africa with Those of Latin America <br/>and the U.S. <br/>3.2 African Liberation Defined <br/>4. Critiquing Moltmann’s Work <br/>5. Moltmann’s Christological and Theological Contributions to Under- <br/>standing Northern Nigeria’s Culture of Violence: A Proposal for an Anal- <br/>ogous Application <br/>5.1 Moltmann’s Contribution to an Understanding of the Way of Jesus <br/>5.2 Understanding the Concept of Righteousness-creating Justice <br/>6. Conclusion <br/>Chapter 6 <br/>Understanding the Language of the Powers in Northern Nigeria: The Contribution of <br/>Walter Wink <br/>1. Seeing Power as Domination <br/>1.1 Evil and Deception as the Concrete Manifestations of Power <br/>1.2 Defining Power <br/>1.3 Understanding the Sociopolitical and Socioeconomic Structures of <br/>Injustice in the Greco-Roman World <br/>1.4 Summary <br/>2. The New Testament’s Context of the Language of the Powers and Author- <br/>ities: Walter Wink’s and other Scholars’ Contribution <br/>2.1 Walter Wink’s Hypothesis <br/>2.2 Critiquing Wink’s Hypothesis? <br/>3. Comparing Jesus’ and Paul’s Ideas of the Powers <br/>3.1 Jesus’ Attitude toward Power and Authority <br/>3.2 Marcan Jesus: Compassion as Power <br/>3.3 The Language of the Powers in Romans 13:1–7 <br/>3.4 Paul’s and Peter’s Ethics in the Context of the Powers <br/>4. Analyzing the Power Structure of Northern Nigeria <br/>4.1 Sociopolitical and Socioeconomic Matters in Northern Nigeria <br/>4.2 Practicing the Way of Jesus in Northern Nigeria’s Context <br/>5. Conclusion <br/>Chapter 7 <br/>An Ethical Framework For Giving Up Violence in Northern Nigeria <br/>1. Biblical Perspectives and Values <br/>2. Ethnic Cooperation, Solidarity, Participation, and Recognition of Interde- <br/>pendency <br/>3. Religious Freedom <br/>4. Socioeconomic and Socio-political Justice<br/>Action in Various Contexts <br/>6.1 Leo Tolstoy: Love as the Path beyond Violence: Russian Christian Con- <br/>text <br/>6.2 Mohandas K. Gandhi’s Path beyond Violence: Indian Context <br/>6.3 Dorothy Day and the Path of Nonviolence: Roman Catholic Feminist <br/>Context <br/>6.3 Martin Luther King Jr.’s Path to Nonviolence: African American Perspec- <br/>tive <br/>6.4 Desmond Tutu: Reconciliation as the Path Beyond Violence: South <br/>African Context <br/>7. Doing Political and Theological Reflection: Assessing Ideologies <br/>Conclusion <br/> <br/>Bibliography <br/>Copyright
330 ## - Короткий зміст
Текст примітки This publication seeks to challenge established thinking about the causes of violence in Northern Nigeria. It explores immediate and long-term effects of that violence through reflection, study, and survey of previous research. The fundamental argument within is that ethnic, political and religious violence has affected Christian perspectives and core values and thus has hampered efforts towards just peacemaking.
676 ## - ДКД
Індекс 261.833096695
700 #1 - Особисте ім’я
Код відношення Автор
Внутрішній код Koha 2357
автор Agang
Частина імені, яка відрізняється від початкового елемента вводу S. B.
Розкриття ініціалів власного імені Sunday Bobai
801 #0 - Джерело походження запису
Установа UA-KiUET
Дата 20201116
942 ## - Додаткові дані (Коха)
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Тип одиниці (рівень запису) Книги
Класифікаційна частина шифру збереження 261.833096695
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