Українська євангельська теологічна семінарія
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Локальне зображення обкладинки

Romans : Christian Conduct / Lloyd-Jones, D.M., Exposition of Chapter 12

Основний автор-особа: Lloyd-Jones , D. M., 1899-1981, David Martyn, АвторМова: англійська.Вихідні дані: Edinburgh : Banner Of Truth Trust, 2000ISBN: 0-85151-794-3.Індекс Дьюї (ДКД): 227.106 ; 220.6 ; 234.1 ; 234.2 ; 232 ; 220.7 ; 248.6Класифікація: Примітки про зміст: 1. One - A new section in the Epistle – the application of the doctrine – why this is important – analysis of the closing chapters of the Epistle; 2. Two - The opening verses – Paul’s manner of speech – motivations for Christian living – the main features of biblical sanctification; 3. Three - The appeal to mind and heart – sanctification a new kind of service – presenting our bodies – what is involved; 4. Four - Five reasons for offering our bodies to God – body and soul – sacrifices which are living, holy and acceptable; 5. Five - Reasonable service – what is it? – the spiritual over against the external, the legalistic and the ascetic – using our bodies to the glory of God; 6. Six - The soul and the world – worldliness in the church – evidences in theology, evangelism and morality; 7. Seven - Avoiding obscurantism and traditionalism – rigidity and laxity both wrong – not conforming to this world – fashion – moderation; 8. Eight - ‘Conformed’ and ‘transformed’ – realizing and being what we are – the renewing of the mind; 9. Nine - The renewing of the mind in practice – understanding and applying the truth – a new humanity – remembering what we are – pilgrims on the way to eternity; 10.Ten - The goal of Christian conduct – conforming to the will of God – knowing and approving His will – what is meant by ‘good, acceptable and perfect’; 11. Eleven - The gifts of the Spirit in the church – humility – all of grace – Paul’s gracious authority – no hierarchy in the early church; 12. Twelve - Everything in the church owed to grace – every Christian receives some gift – the sovereignty of the Spirit – thinking realistically about our gifts; 13. Thirteen - The church as the body of Christ – an organic unity – variety in the parts – differing functions – each essential – none independent – each contributes to the whole – failure in one affects the whole body; 14. Fourteen - The church a spiritual society – a visible unity – a spiritual unity – unity the work of the Spirit – church-membership of children – unity not found by ignoring doctrine; 15. Fifteen - A living, functioning unity – activity dependent on Christ, the Head – opposite dangers of activism and introspection – church and state – entertainment in the church – members one of another; 16. Sixteen - Nature of spiritual gifts – coveting the best gifts – gifts cannot be ‘claimed’ or imparted by others – baptism with the Holy Spirit – gifts differ – the call to particular service; 17. Seventeen - Have certain gifts ceased? – the sovereignty of the Spirit – regular and unusual gifts – faith – knowing one’s particular gift – the nature of prophecy ; 18. Eighteen - Prophesying according to the proportion of faith – two views – testing claims to prophecy – systematic theology – lessons from the Quakers and Edward Irving – the mystery of the Spirit’s working; 19. Nineteen - The other gifts mentioned – ministry – its varieties – teaching – exhortation – giving with simplicity – ruling – showing mercy; 20. Twenty - Gifts not mentioned in this chapter – the gift of prayer – how gifts are received – mediately or immediately – the church as a functioning body – the various offices; 21. Twenty-one - Churches self-governing, but not isolated – Acts 15 – the rise of bishops and the papacy – the church and the denominations since the Reformation – the New Testament pattern; 22. Twenty-two - Worship in the New Testament and today – liturgies – the regulative principle – the Lord’s Prayer – Roman Catholicism – the Prayer Book; 23. Twenty-three - Further aspects of worship in the New Testament – spontaneity versus liturgies – the freedom of the Spirit – revivals; 24. Twenty-four - A new subsection – analysis of verses 9 to 21 – love of God and our neighbour – love the fulfilling of the law of God – avoiding ‘dissimulation’ – abhorring evil, adhering to what is good; 25. Twenty-five - Brotherly love – feelings follow from the truth – our attitude of respect to our fellows – no place for pride – self the greatest enemy – the antidote to pride; 26. Twenty-six - Our attitude to our Christian calling – not mere busy-ness – causes of slothfulness – remedies, natural and spiritual – fanning the flame – prayer – arguments; 27. Twenty-seven - The ultimate antidote to slothfulness: we are serving the Lord – the cause not ours – God’s honour is involved – His eye is upon us – the hope of our calling – rejoicing in it; 28. Twenty-eight - Tribulation – our reaction to it – patient endurance – trouble to be expected – its benefits – prayer results from tribulation – being instant in prayer; 29. Twenty-nine - Fellowship with the necessity of the saints – real needs – who are saints? – pursuing hospitality – stewardship, not communism – caution against impostors – motives to generosity; 30. Thirty - Reacting to ill-treatment – forms of persecution – blessing enemies – patience with unbelievers – children of our Father in heaven; 31. Thirty-one - Reacting to the joy and sorrow of others – dealing with envy – having the same mind – avoiding intellectual pride and ambition – being carried along with humble things and people; 32. Thirty-two - The sin of intellectual pride – antidotes to pride – the folly and danger of being ‘puffed up’ – seeking true wisdom; 33. Thirty-three - Not retaliating when ill-treated – a sign of strength, not weakness – live at peace with all, but not peace at any price – declaring the truth – letting peace reign in our hearts; 34. Thirty-four - Never exact vengeance – refer all to the just judgement of God – God will ultimately vindicate himself – justice and personal revenge distinguished – the imprecatory psalms – the unity of Old Testament and New in declaring God’s judgement; 35. Thirty-five - Kindness to enemies to bring about repentance – not being defeated by evil – encouragements to persevere in the battle – how good overcomes evil Анотація: Romans 12 shows us Christian men and women living out the new life given to them in Christ in relationship with their fellows in the church, exercising the gifts they have received, wrestling with problems and opposition, but finally triumphing over all difficulties through the faith, hope and love that underlie all truly Christian conduct. Тип одиниці: Книги
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Бібліотека Української євангельскої теологічної семінарії Іноземний фонд Наукова література 227.106 LLO.R /12//1 (Огляд полиці(Відкривається нижче)) Доступно (Немає обмежень доступу) 42173-007609
Огляд полиці бібліотеки/підрозділу: „Бібліотека Української євангельскої теологічної семінарії“, Поличне розташування: Іноземний фонд, Зібрання: Наукова література Зачинити оглядач полиці (Зачинити оглядач полиці)
227.106 LLO /8.2//1 Romans, The Final Perseverance of the Saints Exposition of Chapter 8:17-39 227.106 LLO.R /10//1 Romans, Saving Faith Exposition of Chapter 10 227.106 LLO.R /11//1 Romans, To God's Glory Exposition of Chapter 11 227.106 LLO.R /12//1 Romans, Christian Conduct Exposition of Chapter 12 227.106 LLO.R /2//1 Romans, The Righteous Judgment of God Exposition of Chapter 2: 1-3:20 227.106 LLO.R /3//1 Romans, Atonement and Justification Exposition of Chapters 3.20-4.25 227.106 LLO.R /5//1 Romans, Assurance Exposition of Chapter 5

1. One -
A new section in the Epistle – the application of the doctrine – why this is important – analysis of the closing chapters of the Epistle;
2. Two -
The opening verses – Paul’s manner of speech – motivations for Christian living – the main features of biblical sanctification;
3. Three -
The appeal to mind and heart – sanctification a new kind of service – presenting our bodies – what is involved;
4. Four -
Five reasons for offering our bodies to God – body and soul – sacrifices which are living, holy and acceptable;
5. Five -
Reasonable service – what is it? – the spiritual over against the external, the legalistic and the ascetic – using our bodies to the glory of God;
6. Six -
The soul and the world – worldliness in the church – evidences in theology, evangelism and morality;
7. Seven -
Avoiding obscurantism and traditionalism – rigidity and laxity both wrong – not conforming to this world – fashion – moderation;
8. Eight -
‘Conformed’ and ‘transformed’ – realizing and being what we are – the renewing of the mind;
9. Nine -
The renewing of the mind in practice – understanding and applying the truth – a new humanity – remembering what we are – pilgrims on the way to eternity;
10.Ten -
The goal of Christian conduct – conforming to the will of God – knowing and approving His will – what is meant by ‘good, acceptable and perfect’;
11. Eleven -
The gifts of the Spirit in the church – humility – all of grace – Paul’s gracious authority – no hierarchy in the early church;
12. Twelve -
Everything in the church owed to grace – every Christian receives some gift – the sovereignty of the Spirit – thinking realistically about our gifts;
13. Thirteen -
The church as the body of Christ – an organic unity – variety in the parts – differing functions – each essential – none independent – each contributes to the whole – failure in one affects the whole body;
14. Fourteen -
The church a spiritual society – a visible unity – a spiritual unity – unity the work of the Spirit – church-membership of children – unity not found by ignoring doctrine;
15. Fifteen -
A living, functioning unity – activity dependent on Christ, the Head – opposite dangers of activism and introspection – church and state – entertainment in the church – members one of another;
16. Sixteen -
Nature of spiritual gifts – coveting the best gifts – gifts cannot be ‘claimed’ or imparted by others – baptism with the Holy Spirit – gifts differ – the call to particular service;
17. Seventeen -
Have certain gifts ceased? – the sovereignty of the Spirit – regular and unusual gifts – faith – knowing one’s particular gift – the nature of prophecy ;
18. Eighteen -
Prophesying according to the proportion of faith – two views – testing claims to prophecy – systematic theology – lessons from the Quakers and Edward Irving – the mystery of the Spirit’s working;
19. Nineteen -
The other gifts mentioned – ministry – its varieties – teaching – exhortation – giving with simplicity – ruling – showing mercy;
20. Twenty -
Gifts not mentioned in this chapter – the gift of prayer – how gifts are received – mediately or immediately – the church as a functioning body – the various offices;
21. Twenty-one -
Churches self-governing, but not isolated – Acts 15 – the rise of bishops and the papacy – the church and the denominations since the Reformation – the New Testament pattern;
22. Twenty-two -
Worship in the New Testament and today – liturgies – the regulative principle – the Lord’s Prayer – Roman Catholicism – the Prayer Book;
23. Twenty-three -
Further aspects of worship in the New Testament – spontaneity versus liturgies – the freedom of the Spirit – revivals;
24. Twenty-four -
A new subsection – analysis of verses 9 to 21 – love of God and our neighbour – love the fulfilling of the law of God – avoiding ‘dissimulation’ – abhorring evil, adhering to what is good;
25. Twenty-five -
Brotherly love – feelings follow from the truth – our attitude of respect to our fellows – no place for pride – self the greatest enemy – the antidote to pride;
26. Twenty-six -
Our attitude to our Christian calling – not mere busy-ness – causes of slothfulness – remedies, natural and spiritual – fanning the flame – prayer – arguments;
27. Twenty-seven -
The ultimate antidote to slothfulness: we are serving the Lord – the cause not ours – God’s honour is involved – His eye is upon us – the hope of our calling – rejoicing in it;
28. Twenty-eight -
Tribulation – our reaction to it – patient endurance – trouble to be expected – its benefits – prayer results from tribulation – being instant in prayer;
29. Twenty-nine -
Fellowship with the necessity of the saints – real needs – who are saints? – pursuing hospitality – stewardship, not communism – caution against impostors – motives to generosity;
30. Thirty -
Reacting to ill-treatment – forms of persecution – blessing enemies – patience with unbelievers – children of our Father in heaven;
31. Thirty-one -
Reacting to the joy and sorrow of others – dealing with envy – having the same mind – avoiding intellectual pride and ambition – being carried along with humble things and people;
32. Thirty-two -
The sin of intellectual pride – antidotes to pride – the folly and danger of being ‘puffed up’ – seeking true wisdom;
33. Thirty-three -
Not retaliating when ill-treated – a sign of strength, not weakness – live at peace with all, but not peace at any price – declaring the truth – letting peace reign in our hearts;
34. Thirty-four -
Never exact vengeance – refer all to the just judgement of God – God will ultimately vindicate himself – justice and personal revenge distinguished – the imprecatory psalms – the unity of Old Testament and New in declaring God’s judgement;
35. Thirty-five -
Kindness to enemies to bring about repentance – not being defeated by evil – encouragements to persevere in the battle – how good overcomes evil.

Romans 12 shows us Christian men and women living out the new life given to them in Christ in relationship with their fellows in the church, exercising the gifts they have received, wrestling with problems and opposition, but finally triumphing over all difficulties through the faith, hope and love that underlie all truly Christian conduct

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