Українська євангельська теологічна семінарія
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Brethren, Hang Loose : or What's Happening to my Church? / Robert C. Girard

Основний автор-особа: Girard, R.C.Мова: англійська.Вихідні дані: Grand Rapids, Michigan : Zondervan Publishing House, 1972Опис: 220 pagesІндекс Дьюї (ДКД): 262 ; 260Класифікація: Примітки про зміст: 1. The Glorious Evangelical Status Quo 2. The Biggest Roadblock to Renewal 3. Renewal Begins with Number One 4. Renewal Begins with Number One - continued 5. Thou Shalt Not Sweat It 6. The Principle of the Thing 7. Goals for an Ideal Church 8. The Letter Killeth But the Spirit Giveth Life 9. A Vehicle for the Shared Life 10. Life in the Little Churches 11. Touching the Fringes of Life 12. Potpourri 13. But What About Old Wineskins? 14. Living Circle 15. Meanwhile Back at the Church Appendix: Campus Crusade for Christ Lay Institute for Evangelism Анотація: This is the story of a church that found a new face, the story of a dangerous, daring commitment, of abandonment to the Lordship of Christ. When pastor and people reached the point of emphasizing genuine spiritual growth toward maturity, rather than success in the accpeted sense of the word, for them renewal began. Principles are given in this book book which are helping one church to recapture a New Testament quality and style of life which God may once again be able to use in making the church a demonstration of the reality of the Living Jesus to a world that urgently needs to see Him. . Тип одиниці: Книги
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Бібліотека Української євангельскої теологічної семінарії 262 GIR /1//1 (Огляд полиці(Відкривається нижче)) Доступно

1. The Glorious Evangelical Status Quo
2. The Biggest Roadblock to Renewal
3. Renewal Begins with Number One
4. Renewal Begins with Number One - continued
5. Thou Shalt Not Sweat It
6. The Principle of the Thing
7. Goals for an Ideal Church
8. The Letter Killeth But the Spirit Giveth Life
9. A Vehicle for the Shared Life
10. Life in the Little Churches
11. Touching the Fringes of Life
12. Potpourri
13. But What About Old Wineskins?
14. Living Circle
15. Meanwhile Back at the Church
Appendix: Campus Crusade for Christ Lay Institute for Evangelism

This is the story of a church that found a new face, the story of a dangerous, daring commitment, of abandonment to the Lordship of Christ. When pastor and people reached the point of emphasizing genuine spiritual growth toward maturity, rather than success in the accpeted sense of the word, for them renewal began. Principles are given in this book book which are helping one church to recapture a New Testament quality and style of life which God may once again be able to use in making the church a demonstration of the reality of the Living Jesus to a world that urgently needs to see Him.

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