Українська євангельська теологічна семінарія
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Effectie Biblical Counseling / Crabb, L.J.

Основний автор-особа: Crabb, L.J.Мова: англійська.Вихідні дані: Grand Rapids : Zondervan Publishing House, 1977ISBN: 0-310-22570-1.Індекс Дьюї (ДКД): 253.5 ; 150Класифікація: Примітки про зміст: Contents Preface Introduction Part I: A Few Preliminaries 1. The Goal of Counseling: What Are We Frying to Do? 2. Christianity and Psychology: Enemies or Allies? Part II: Basic Concepts: What Do You Need to Know About People in Order to Effectively Counsel? 3. Personal Needs: What Do People Need to Live Efectively? 4. Motivation: Why Do We Do What We Do? 5. Personality Structure: Taking Apart the Watch to See What Makes It Tick Part III: Basic Strategy: How to Understand and Deal With Personal Problems 6. How Problems Develop I 7. How Problem Develop II 8. What Do you Try to Change? 9. A Simple Model for Counseling Part IV: Developing a Counseling Program in the Local Church 10. Counseling in the Christian Community 11. Chart Appendix Анотація: In Effective Biblical Counseling, Gold Medallion Award-winning author Dr. Larry Crabb presents a model of counseling that can be gracefully integrated into the functioning of the local church. He asserts that counseling is simply a relationship between people who care and that its goal is to free people to better worship and serve God. This book will show you how to help people achieve obedience and character growth in their lives, and establish a sense of personal worth and security along the way. Dr. Crabb says, "I believe that God has ordained the local church to be his primary instrument to tend to his people's aches and pains. In writing this book I have tried to be of practical help to Christians who want to be more effective in ministering to their suffering brothers and sisters.". Тип одиниці: Книги
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Бібліотека Української євангельскої теологічної семінарії 253.5 CRA /1//3 (Огляд полиці(Відкривається нижче)) Доступно
Огляд полиці бібліотеки/підрозділу: „Бібліотека Української євангельскої теологічної семінарії“ Зачинити оглядач полиці (Зачинити оглядач полиці)
253.5 COU /1//1 Counselor's handbook, The 253.5 CRA /1//1 Understanding People, Deep longings for relationship 253.5 CRA /1//2 Effective biblical counseling 253.5 CRA /1//3 Effectie Biblical Counseling 253.5 CRA.B /1//1 Basic Principles of Biblical Counseling 253.5 CRA.E /1//1 Encouragement, The Key to Caring 253.5 CRA.E /1//2 Encouragement, Key to caring, The

Part I: A Few Preliminaries
1. The Goal of Counseling: What Are We Frying to Do?
2. Christianity and Psychology: Enemies or Allies?
Part II: Basic Concepts: What Do You Need to Know About People in Order to Effectively Counsel?
3. Personal Needs: What Do People Need to Live Efectively?
4. Motivation: Why Do We Do What We Do?
5. Personality Structure: Taking Apart the Watch to See What Makes It Tick
Part III: Basic Strategy: How to Understand and Deal With Personal Problems
6. How Problems Develop I
7. How Problem Develop II
8. What Do you Try to Change?
9. A Simple Model for Counseling
Part IV: Developing a Counseling Program in the Local Church
10. Counseling in the Christian Community
11. Chart Appendix

In Effective Biblical Counseling, Gold Medallion Award-winning author Dr. Larry Crabb presents a model of counseling that can be gracefully integrated into the functioning of the local church. He asserts that counseling is simply a relationship between people who care and that its goal is to free people to better worship and serve God. This book will show you how to help people achieve obedience and character growth in their lives, and establish a sense of personal worth and security along the way. Dr. Crabb says, "I believe that God has ordained the local church to be his primary instrument to tend to his people's aches and pains. In writing this book I have tried to be of practical help to Christians who want to be more effective in ministering to their suffering brothers and sisters."

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