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New Directions in Mission and Evangelization 1 : Basic Statements 1974-1991 / James A. Scherer, ed. ; Stephen B. Bevans, ed

Альтернативний автор-особа: Редактор, Scherer, J. A., 1926-, James A.; Редактор, Bevans, S. B., 1944-, Stephen B.Мова: англійська.Країна: СПОЛУЧЕНІ ШТАТИ АМЕРИКИ.Вихідні дані: New York : Orbis Books, 1992Опис: 324 p.Індекс Дьюї (ДКД): 266.001Примітки про зміст: Conciliar Ecumenical Statements 1 Confessing Christ Today (Nairobi, 1975) 2. Guidelines on Dialogue (Kingston, 1979) 3. Christian Witness - Common Witness (1980) 4. Your Kingdom Come (Melbourne, 1980) 5. Ecumenical Affirmation: Mission and Evangelism (1982) 6. Baptism, Eucharist and Ministry (Lima, 1982) 7. Witnessing in a divided world (Vancouver, 1983) 8. Urban rural mission (1986) 9. Stuttgart Consultation (19870 10. Mission in Christ's way: Your will be done (San Antonio, 1989) 11. Justice, Peace and the integrity of creation (Seoul, 1990) 12. Come, Holy Spirit (Canberra, 1991) Roman Catholic Statements 1. Evangelical Nutiandi (Rome, 1975) 2. Catechesi Tradendae (Rome, 1979) 3. Third General Congress (Plebla, 1979) 4. Apostles of the Slavs (Rome, 1985) 5. Final Report (Rome, 1985) 6. Instruction on Christian Freedom and Liberation (Rome, 1986) 7. AMECEA Bishops' Message to Catholic Families in Eastern Africa (Moshi, 1986) 8. To the ends of the earth (Washington, 1986) 9. Final Statement of Fourth Plenary Assembly (Tokyo, 1986) 10. Solicitude Rei Socialis (Rome, 1987) 11. Faith and Inculturation (Rome, 1987) 12. Heritage and Hope: Evangelization in America (Washington, 1990) 13. Redemptoris Missio (Rome, 1990) 14. Dialogue and Proclamation (Rome, 1991) Eastern Orthodox and Oriental Church Statements 1. Go Forth in Peace: Orthodox Perspectives on Mission 2. final Report of CWME Consultation of Eastern Orthodox and Oriental Orthodox Churches (Neapolis, 1988) 3. Final Report of CWME Orthodox Advisory Group (Boston, 1990) Evangelical Protestant Statements 1. The Lausanne Covenant (Lausanne, 1974) 2. Consultation on Homogeneous Units (Pasadena, 1977) 3. Consultation on Gospel and Culture (Willowbank, 1978) 4. Consultation on Simple Life-style (High Leigh, 1980) 5. Consultation on World Evangelization (Pattaya, 1980) 6. Consultation on the Revelation of Evangelism and Social Responsibility (Grand Rapids, 1982) 7. Consultation on the Church in REsponse to Human Need (Wheaton, 1983) 8. The Manila Manifesto (Manila 1989) 9. The Christian Gospel and the Jewish People (Willowbank, 1989) 10 Consultation on Jewish Evangelism (Zeist, 1991) Index Анотація: Scholars and students of missions have long needed a compendium of basic documents on issues such as evangelization, dialogue with world religions, salvation, conversion to Christianity, liberation and justice ministries, and explicit preaching of the Word as opposed to indirect “witness.” New Directions in Mission and Evangelization 1 answers that need as the first book in a major Orbis series that will present the best of global thought on mission and evangelization questions – Catholic, Ecumenical, Pentecostal, Orthodox, and Evangelical..Наявність бібліографії/покажчика: Index. Тип одиниці: Книги
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Conciliar Ecumenical Statements
1 Confessing Christ Today (Nairobi, 1975)
2. Guidelines on Dialogue (Kingston, 1979)
3. Christian Witness - Common Witness (1980)
4. Your Kingdom Come (Melbourne, 1980)
5. Ecumenical Affirmation: Mission and Evangelism (1982)
6. Baptism, Eucharist and Ministry (Lima, 1982)
7. Witnessing in a divided world (Vancouver, 1983)
8. Urban rural mission (1986)
9. Stuttgart Consultation (19870
10. Mission in Christ's way: Your will be done (San Antonio, 1989)
11. Justice, Peace and the integrity of creation (Seoul, 1990)
12. Come, Holy Spirit (Canberra, 1991)
Roman Catholic Statements
1. Evangelical Nutiandi (Rome, 1975)
2. Catechesi Tradendae (Rome, 1979)
3. Third General Congress (Plebla, 1979)
4. Apostles of the Slavs (Rome, 1985)
5. Final Report (Rome, 1985)
6. Instruction on Christian Freedom and Liberation (Rome, 1986)
7. AMECEA Bishops' Message to Catholic Families in Eastern Africa (Moshi, 1986)
8. To the ends of the earth (Washington, 1986)
9. Final Statement of Fourth Plenary Assembly (Tokyo, 1986)
10. Solicitude Rei Socialis (Rome, 1987)
11. Faith and Inculturation (Rome, 1987)
12. Heritage and Hope: Evangelization in America (Washington, 1990)
13. Redemptoris Missio (Rome, 1990)
14. Dialogue and Proclamation (Rome, 1991)
Eastern Orthodox and Oriental Church Statements
1. Go Forth in Peace: Orthodox Perspectives on Mission
2. final Report of CWME Consultation of Eastern Orthodox and Oriental Orthodox Churches (Neapolis, 1988)
3. Final Report of CWME Orthodox Advisory Group (Boston, 1990)
Evangelical Protestant Statements
1. The Lausanne Covenant (Lausanne, 1974)
2. Consultation on Homogeneous Units (Pasadena, 1977)
3. Consultation on Gospel and Culture (Willowbank, 1978)
4. Consultation on Simple Life-style (High Leigh, 1980)
5. Consultation on World Evangelization (Pattaya, 1980)
6. Consultation on the Revelation of Evangelism and Social Responsibility (Grand Rapids, 1982)
7. Consultation on the Church in REsponse to Human Need (Wheaton, 1983)
8. The Manila Manifesto (Manila 1989)
9. The Christian Gospel and the Jewish People (Willowbank, 1989)
10 Consultation on Jewish Evangelism (Zeist, 1991)

Scholars and students of missions have long needed a compendium of basic documents on issues such as evangelization, dialogue with world religions, salvation, conversion to Christianity, liberation and justice ministries, and explicit preaching of the Word as opposed to indirect “witness.” New Directions in Mission and Evangelization 1 answers that need as the first book in a major Orbis series that will present the best of global thought on mission and evangelization questions – Catholic, Ecumenical, Pentecostal, Orthodox, and Evangelical.

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