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Romans : Believers Church Bible Commentary / John E Toews

Основний автор-особа: Автор, Toews, J., 1937-, JohnМова: англійська.Країна: СПОЛУЧЕНІ ШТАТИ АМЕРИКИ.Вихідні дані: Scottdale, Pencylvania : Herald Press, ©2004Опис: 463 p.ISBN: 0-8361-9277-X .Індекс Дьюї (ДКД): 227.197Примітки про зміст: Contents Series Foreword Author’s Preface Introduction to Romans Why Romans The Churches in Rome The Pastoral Context in Rome The Purpose of Romans The Perspective of This Commentary The Over-all Plan of Romans The Larger Thought World of Romans The Problem of Language This Commentary Introduction, 1:1-15 Prescript, 1:1-7 Thanksgiving, 1:8-12 Disclosure Formula The Framing, 1:1-15, 15:14-33 Gospel Gospel The Obedience of Faith The Thesis Statement, 1:16-18 The Thesis, 1:16 The Gospel Reveals the Righteousness of God, 1:17 54 The Gospel Reveals the Wrath of God, 1:18 57 Righteousness God is Righteous Jesus Defines God’s Righteousness Righteousness and Ethics are Linked Righteousness Concerns Peoplehood God’s Righteousness Again Socio-Political Implication The Argument of the Letter The Revelation of the Wrath of God, 1:18-3:20 The Impartial Judgment of God on all Peoples, 1:18-2:11 The Inexcusability of Humanity, 1:19-21 The Just Retribution of God, 1:22-2:3 The Revelation of God’s Righteous Judgment, 2:4-5 The Judgment According to Works, 2:6-10 The Conclusion The Impartiality of God Becoming What We Worship The Challenge of Homosexuality The Equality of Gentiles and Jews Before God’s Judgment, 2:12-29 The General Principle—The Equality of Judgment in Relation to the Law, 2:12-13 The First Case of the Gentiles, 2:14-16 The First Case of the Jews, 2:17-24 The Second Case of the Jews, 2:25 The Second Case of the Gentiles, 2:26-27 The General Principle—The Relation of Circumcision and Obedience, 2:28-29 The Objection of the Jews, 3:1-20 The Diatribe, 3:1-9 The Scriptural Warrant, 3:10-18 The Conclusion, 3:19-20 The Picture of God The Family Debate The Faithfulness of God The Language of Criticism The Revelation of the Righteousness of God, 3:21-26 The Revelation, 3:21-22a The Means, 3:22b-25a The Parenthesis 3:22b-24a Back to the Main Argument The Purpose, 3:25b-26 The “Faith of Jesus” in Paul The “Faith of Jesus” in Romans The Righteousness of God Salvation Effects Change One God Makes Righteous All People, 3:27-4:25 The Dialogue, 3:27-4:2 The Exposition of Scripture, 4:3-25 Abraham Abraham Is Our Father Abraham Faiths God to Do the Impossible Summarizing the Argument, chs. 1-4 The Meaning of the Revelation of the Righteousness of God, 5:1-8:39 Peace with God, 5:1-11 The Basis, 5:1a The Exhortations, 5:1b-8 The Basis, 5:9a The Benefits, 5:9b-11 Boasting Reconciliation The Problem of Suffering Reframing the Meaning of Christ’s Death Salvation from Guilt and Shame The Politics of Peace Victory of Christ Over Sin, 5:12-21 Perspectives for Interpreting This Unit Adam in the First Century Apocalyptic Theologies of Sin The Beginning and the End, 5:12 and 21 The Relation of Sin and Law, 5:13-14 The Comparison of Adam and Christ, 5:15-21 Adam and Christ in 1 Corinthians The Preoccupation with Sin The Good News The Death of the Old Humanity, 6:1-7:6 Sin that Grace May Abound, 6:1-11 Exhortations Based on the Thesis, 6:12-14 Practice Sin to Enjoy Grace, 6:15-23 To Those Under the Law, 7:1-6 Baptism Dying and Rising with Christ The Problem of Sin in the Church The Challenge of Baptism A Narrative Spirituality Victory Over the Flesh/Sin Through Christ and the Spirit, 7:7-8:11 The Meaning of “Law” The Meaning of the “I” The Weakness of the Law due to the Flesh/Sin, 7:7-25 The Fulfillment of the Law Through Christ and the Spirit, 8:1-11 The Story of Galatians 3 The Glasses of the Past A Different Reading The Gift of the Law The Gift of the Spirit The Challenge of Worldviews Children of God, 8:12-39 The Spirit and Family Relationships, 8:12-17 The Triumph of Glory Over Sufferings, 8:18-30 The Triumph of God in Christ, 8:31-39 Children of God and the Spirit in Galatians 4 The New Family of God Living in the Spirit The Church and Creation The Mystery of Suffering Summarizing the Argument, chs. 1-8 The Faithfulness of God to Jews and Gentiles, 9:1-11:36 The Wish, 9:3 The Privileges, 9:4-5 God’s Word Has Not Failed, 9 6-29 God’s Call, 9:6-13 God’s Sovereignty, 9:14-21 God Elects a New People, 9:22-29 Election and Jewish Identity Displacement Theology Theology of Predestination God’s Election of Jewish and Gentile Peoples Election Is About God’s Love and Mercy Christ Is the Fulfillment of the Word of God, 9:30-10:21 Israel Pursued the Law and Righteousness Incorrectly, 9:30-10:3 Christ Is the Goal for Jew and Gentile, 10:4-13 The Gospel Is for all Who Hear, 10:14-21 Leviticus 18 Deuteronomy 30 The Church’s Historic Grid Jesus Fulfills the Law and God’s Promises Preaching the Good News Obedient Hearing God Has Not Rejected Israel, 11:1-36 The Remnant and the Rest, 11:1-10 The Importance of Israel’s Future Salvation, 11:11-24 The Divine Mystery of Salvation for Jews and Gentiles, 11:25-32 Doxology, 11:33-36 The Prophecies of Isaiah Isaiah in Jewish Literature Supersessionism Two Covenant Theology The Rejection of Anti-Judaism The Jewish-Christian Schism and Contemporary Response Summarizing the Argument, chs. 9-11 The Living Sacrifice of the Righteous Community, 12:1-15:13 The Living Sacrifice, 12:1-2 The Renewal of the Mind, 12:3-16 The Frame, 12:3 and 16 To Live as the Body of Christ, 12:4-8 To Love without Hypocrisy, 12:9-15 Importance of Renewed Mind Common Mind A Radical and Concrete Ethic A New Value System Repay Only the Good, 12:17-13:10 Do Not Repay Evil but Overcome Evil with Good, 12:17-21 Be Subject to the Governing Authorities, 13:1-7 Be Obligated to No One Except to Love, 13:8-10 Non-retaliation Submission to the Authorities Living Nonviolently Church and State Faithful to God and Subject to Government The Renewal of the Mind, 13:11-14 The Reason: Knowing the Opportune Time, 13:11-12a The Imperatives, 13:12b-14 Baptism as Enlistment Call to Faithfulness Welcome Differences, 14:1-15:13 Welcome the Weak One, 14:1-12 Do Not Judge One Another, 14:13-23 The Strong Bear the Weak, 15:1-6 Welcome One Another, 15:7-13 Clean or Unclean? Food and Community Boundary Maintenance Rebuilding the Center Criteria for Inclusion The Politics of Paul Letter Form Living in the Spirit Natural Theology Obedience Original Sin Righteousness The Righteousness of God Salvation-Judgment by Works Sin in Romans Universalism Works of the Law Wrath Outline of Romans Map of New Testament World Bibliography Index of Ancient Sources The Author Conclusion, 15:14-16:27 Paul’s Mission, 15:14-21 Paul’s Plans, 15:22-29 Paul’s Request for Prayer, 15:30-32 Letter Closing, 15:33-16:27 The Theology of Romans Essays Chiasmus Identity of Chrestus Death in Romans Death/Baptism as Ritual Events Diatribe Faith in Romans Flesh in Romans Grace in Romans Homosexuality Honor-Shame Inclusio Into/With Christ Анотація: Romans was written by Paul, apostle of Jesus Christ to the Gentiles. As an apostle Paul spent his life traveling the Mediterranean area preaching the gospel and establishing churches. In the course of his missionary career, Paul wrote numerous letters to the churches he had established as a way to pastor them in his absence. Romans is the longest and most complex of Paul's letters. John E. Toews explores why Paul writes to remind the Roman churches of God's purpose for both Jew and Gentile and to reconcile Jewish-Christian and Jewish-Gentile church relationships.. Тип одиниці: Книги
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Бібліотека Української євангельскої теологічної семінарії Російсько-український фонд Наукова література 227.197 TOE /1//2 (Огляд полиці(Відкривається нижче)) Доступно (Немає обмежень доступу) 42173-005799
Огляд полиці бібліотеки/підрозділу: „Бібліотека Української євангельскої теологічної семінарії“, Поличне розташування: Російсько-український фонд, Зібрання: Наукова література Зачинити оглядач полиці (Зачинити оглядач полиці)
227.107 ФРИ /1//1 Сердце апостола, Комментарий к Римлянам 9-11 227.1077 РАЙ /1//1 Павел Послание к Римлянам, Популярный комментарий 227.1077 РОД /1//1 Оплачено сполна, Комментарий к книге Послание к Римлянам 227.197 TOE /1//2 Romans, Believers Church Bible Commentary 227.2 БАР /1//1 Толкование послания к Коринфянам 227.2 БАР /1//2 Толкование послания к Коринфянам 227.2 БАР /1//3 Толкование послания к Коринфянам


Series Foreword
Author’s Preface

Introduction to Romans
Why Romans
The Churches in Rome
The Pastoral Context in Rome
The Purpose of Romans
The Perspective of This Commentary
The Over-all Plan of Romans
The Larger Thought World of Romans
The Problem of Language
This Commentary

Introduction, 1:1-15
Prescript, 1:1-7
Thanksgiving, 1:8-12
Disclosure Formula
The Framing, 1:1-15, 15:14-33
The Obedience of Faith

The Thesis Statement, 1:16-18
The Thesis, 1:16
The Gospel Reveals the Righteousness of God, 1:17 54
The Gospel Reveals the Wrath of God, 1:18 57
God is Righteous
Jesus Defines God’s Righteousness
Righteousness and Ethics are Linked
Righteousness Concerns Peoplehood
God’s Righteousness Again
Socio-Political Implication

The Argument of the Letter
The Revelation of the Wrath of God, 1:18-3:20
The Impartial Judgment of God on all Peoples, 1:18-2:11
The Inexcusability of Humanity, 1:19-21
The Just Retribution of God, 1:22-2:3
The Revelation of God’s Righteous Judgment, 2:4-5
The Judgment According to Works, 2:6-10
The Conclusion
The Impartiality of God
Becoming What We Worship
The Challenge of Homosexuality
The Equality of Gentiles and Jews Before God’s Judgment, 2:12-29
The General Principle—The Equality of Judgment in Relation to the Law, 2:12-13
The First Case of the Gentiles, 2:14-16
The First Case of the Jews, 2:17-24
The Second Case of the Jews, 2:25
The Second Case of the Gentiles, 2:26-27
The General Principle—The Relation of Circumcision and Obedience, 2:28-29
The Objection of the Jews, 3:1-20
The Diatribe, 3:1-9
The Scriptural Warrant, 3:10-18
The Conclusion, 3:19-20
The Picture of God
The Family Debate
The Faithfulness of God
The Language of Criticism

The Revelation of the Righteousness of God, 3:21-26
The Revelation, 3:21-22a
The Means, 3:22b-25a
The Parenthesis 3:22b-24a
Back to the Main Argument
The Purpose, 3:25b-26
The “Faith of Jesus” in Paul
The “Faith of Jesus” in Romans
The Righteousness of God
Salvation Effects Change

One God Makes Righteous All People, 3:27-4:25
The Dialogue, 3:27-4:2
The Exposition of Scripture, 4:3-25
Abraham Is Our Father
Abraham Faiths God to Do the Impossible

Summarizing the Argument, chs. 1-4

The Meaning of the Revelation of the Righteousness of God, 5:1-8:39
Peace with God, 5:1-11
The Basis, 5:1a
The Exhortations, 5:1b-8
The Basis, 5:9a
The Benefits, 5:9b-11
The Problem of Suffering
Reframing the Meaning of Christ’s Death
Salvation from Guilt and Shame
The Politics of Peace
Victory of Christ Over Sin, 5:12-21
Perspectives for Interpreting This Unit
Adam in the First Century
Apocalyptic Theologies of Sin
The Beginning and the End, 5:12 and 21
The Relation of Sin and Law, 5:13-14
The Comparison of Adam and Christ, 5:15-21
Adam and Christ in 1 Corinthians
The Preoccupation with Sin
The Good News

The Death of the Old Humanity, 6:1-7:6
Sin that Grace May Abound, 6:1-11
Exhortations Based on the Thesis, 6:12-14
Practice Sin to Enjoy Grace, 6:15-23
To Those Under the Law, 7:1-6
Dying and Rising with Christ
The Problem of Sin in the Church
The Challenge of Baptism
A Narrative Spirituality

Victory Over the Flesh/Sin Through Christ and the Spirit, 7:7-8:11
The Meaning of “Law”
The Meaning of the “I”
The Weakness of the Law due to the Flesh/Sin, 7:7-25
The Fulfillment of the Law Through Christ and the Spirit, 8:1-11
The Story of Galatians 3
The Glasses of the Past
A Different Reading
The Gift of the Law
The Gift of the Spirit
The Challenge of Worldviews

Children of God, 8:12-39
The Spirit and Family Relationships, 8:12-17
The Triumph of Glory Over Sufferings, 8:18-30
The Triumph of God in Christ, 8:31-39
Children of God and the Spirit in Galatians 4
The New Family of God
Living in the Spirit
The Church and Creation
The Mystery of Suffering

Summarizing the Argument, chs. 1-8

The Faithfulness of God to Jews and Gentiles, 9:1-11:36
The Wish, 9:3
The Privileges, 9:4-5

God’s Word Has Not Failed, 9 6-29
God’s Call, 9:6-13
God’s Sovereignty, 9:14-21
God Elects a New People, 9:22-29
Election and Jewish Identity
Displacement Theology
Theology of Predestination
God’s Election of Jewish and Gentile Peoples
Election Is About God’s Love and Mercy

Christ Is the Fulfillment of the Word of God, 9:30-10:21
Israel Pursued the Law and Righteousness Incorrectly, 9:30-10:3
Christ Is the Goal for Jew and Gentile, 10:4-13
The Gospel Is for all Who Hear, 10:14-21
Leviticus 18
Deuteronomy 30
The Church’s Historic Grid
Jesus Fulfills the Law and God’s Promises
Preaching the Good News
Obedient Hearing

God Has Not Rejected Israel, 11:1-36
The Remnant and the Rest, 11:1-10
The Importance of Israel’s Future Salvation, 11:11-24
The Divine Mystery of Salvation for Jews and Gentiles, 11:25-32
Doxology, 11:33-36
The Prophecies of Isaiah
Isaiah in Jewish Literature
Two Covenant Theology
The Rejection of Anti-Judaism
The Jewish-Christian Schism and Contemporary Response

Summarizing the Argument, chs. 9-11

The Living Sacrifice of the Righteous Community, 12:1-15:13
The Living Sacrifice, 12:1-2

The Renewal of the Mind, 12:3-16
The Frame, 12:3 and 16
To Live as the Body of Christ, 12:4-8
To Love without Hypocrisy, 12:9-15
Importance of Renewed Mind
Common Mind
A Radical and Concrete Ethic
A New Value System
Repay Only the Good, 12:17-13:10
Do Not Repay Evil but Overcome Evil with Good, 12:17-21
Be Subject to the Governing Authorities, 13:1-7
Be Obligated to No One Except to Love, 13:8-10
Submission to the Authorities
Living Nonviolently
Church and State
Faithful to God and Subject to Government

The Renewal of the Mind, 13:11-14
The Reason: Knowing the Opportune Time, 13:11-12a
The Imperatives, 13:12b-14 Baptism as Enlistment
Call to Faithfulness
Welcome Differences, 14:1-15:13
Welcome the Weak One, 14:1-12
Do Not Judge One Another, 14:13-23
The Strong Bear the Weak, 15:1-6
Welcome One Another, 15:7-13
Clean or Unclean?
Food and Community
Boundary Maintenance
Rebuilding the Center
Criteria for Inclusion
The Politics of Paul
Letter Form
Living in the Spirit
Natural Theology
Original Sin
The Righteousness of God
Salvation-Judgment by Works
Sin in Romans
Works of the Law

Outline of Romans
Map of New Testament World
Index of Ancient Sources
The Author
Conclusion, 15:14-16:27
Paul’s Mission, 15:14-21
Paul’s Plans, 15:22-29
Paul’s Request for Prayer, 15:30-32
Letter Closing, 15:33-16:27

The Theology of Romans

Identity of Chrestus
Death in Romans
Death/Baptism as Ritual Events
Faith in Romans
Flesh in Romans
Grace in Romans
Into/With Christ

Romans was written by Paul, apostle of Jesus Christ to the Gentiles. As an apostle Paul spent his life traveling the Mediterranean area preaching the gospel and establishing churches. In the course of his missionary career, Paul wrote numerous letters to the churches he had established as a way to pastor them in his absence. Romans is the longest and most complex of Paul's letters. John E. Toews explores why Paul writes to remind the Roman churches of God's purpose for both Jew and Gentile and to reconcile Jewish-Christian and Jewish-Gentile church relationships.

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