Українська євангельська теологічна семінарія
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Jensen's Survey of the New Testament / Jensen, Irving L.

Основний автор-особа: Автор, Jensen, I. L., Irving L.Мова: англійська.Країна: СПОЛУЧЕНІ ШТАТИ АМЕРИКИ.Вихідні дані: Chicago : Moody Press, ©1981Опис: 535 p. ISBN: 0-8024-4308-7.Індекс Дьюї (ДКД): 225.61Примітки про зміст: Contents Charts Maps Preface Introduction to the New Testament Survey Method of Study 1. History of the New Testament Writings 2. Setting of the New Testament 3. The Survey Method of Study Part 1 THE EVENT The Life of Christ 4. The Life of Christ 5. Matthew: Jesus and His Promised Kingdom 6. Mark: The Servant Jesus 7. Luke: The Son of Man Among Men 8. John: Life in Jesus, the Son of God Part 2 THE SEQUEL The Church, Christ’s Body 9. Acts: The Beginnings of the Christian Church Part 3 THE MESSAGE Christ the Savior, Sanctifier, and Coming King 10. Paul and His Letters 11. Romans: God’s Salvation for Sinners 12. The Corinthian Epistles 1 Corinthians: Problems of a Local Church 2 Corinthians: Paul’s Apostolic Ministry 13. Ga14. Ephesians: Christ and the Church 15. Philippians: Life in Christ 16. Colossians: Christ Is All and in All 17. The Thessalonian Epistles 1 Thessalonians: The Lord Jesus Is Coming Again 2 Thessalonians: He Has Not Come Yet 18. The Pastoral Epistles and Philemon 1 Timothy: Godliness and Pastoral Care Titus: Adorning the Doctrine of God 2 Timothy: Endurance and Separation in the Ministry Philemon: Appeal for Forgiveness The Non-Pauline Epistles 19. Hebrews: Consider Jesus, Our Great High Priestlatians: Set Free from Bondage 20. James: Faith for Living 21. 1 Peter: Trials, Holy Living, and the Lord’s Coming 22. 2 Peter: True and False Prophecy 23. The Epistles of John and Jude 1 John: Fellowship with God and His Children 2 John: Truth and the Christian 3 John: Spiritual Health and Prosperity Jude: Keeping Oneself in the Love of God Part 4 THE CLIMAX Christ Triumphant 24. Apocalypse: The Revelation of Jesus Christ Appendixes Bibliography Анотація: The main purpose of this New Testament survey guide is to involve the reader personally in a first-hand survey of the Bible text and to lead the reader into a time of personal reflection as he considers practical spiritual applications of the Bible book he has just studied. Important helps for study include opening paragraphs of each chapter that prepare the student for study, background information on each book, a survey of the content of each book, a discussion of the prominent subjects of the Bible book, identification of key words and verses, application suggestions, review questions, suggestions for further study, brief outlines of each book, selected reading lists, and complete survey charts. This book has been written to start the reader onto paths of study in each New Testament book, to search and discover for himself the great themes of each book.. Тип одиниці: Книги
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Introduction to the New Testament Survey Method of Study

1. History of the New Testament Writings

2. Setting of the New Testament

3. The Survey Method of Study

Part 1
The Life of Christ

4. The Life of Christ

5. Matthew: Jesus and His Promised Kingdom

6. Mark: The Servant Jesus
7. Luke: The Son of Man Among Men

8. John: Life in Jesus, the Son of God

Part 2
The Church, Christ’s Body

9. Acts: The Beginnings of the Christian Church

Part 3
Christ the Savior, Sanctifier, and Coming King

10. Paul and His Letters
11. Romans: God’s Salvation for Sinners

12. The Corinthian Epistles

1 Corinthians: Problems of a Local Church

2 Corinthians: Paul’s Apostolic Ministry

13. Ga14. Ephesians: Christ and the Church

15. Philippians: Life in Christ

16. Colossians: Christ Is All and in All

17. The Thessalonian Epistles

1 Thessalonians: The Lord Jesus Is Coming Again

2 Thessalonians: He Has Not Come Yet

18. The Pastoral Epistles and Philemon

1 Timothy: Godliness and Pastoral Care

Titus: Adorning the Doctrine of God

2 Timothy: Endurance and Separation in the Ministry

Philemon: Appeal for Forgiveness

The Non-Pauline Epistles

19. Hebrews: Consider Jesus, Our Great High Priestlatians: Set Free from Bondage
20. James: Faith for Living

21. 1 Peter: Trials, Holy Living, and the Lord’s Coming

22. 2 Peter: True and False Prophecy

23. The Epistles of John and Jude

1 John: Fellowship with God and His Children

2 John: Truth and the Christian

3 John: Spiritual Health and Prosperity

Jude: Keeping Oneself in the Love of God

Part 4
Christ Triumphant

24. Apocalypse: The Revelation of Jesus Christ



The main purpose of this New Testament survey guide is to involve the reader personally in a first-hand survey of the Bible text and to lead the reader into a time of personal reflection as he considers practical spiritual applications of the Bible book he has just studied. Important helps for study include opening paragraphs of each chapter that prepare the student for study, background information on each book, a survey of the content of each book, a discussion of the prominent subjects of the Bible book, identification of key words and verses, application suggestions, review questions, suggestions for further study, brief outlines of each book, selected reading lists, and complete survey charts. This book has been written to start the reader onto paths of study in each New Testament book, to search and discover for himself the great themes of each book.

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