Українська євангельська теологічна семінарія
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Локальне зображення обкладинки

Sharing Jesus Effectively in the Buddhist World / David Lim, Steve Spaulding

Альтернативний автор-особа: Редактор, Lim , D., David; Редактор, Spaulding, S., SteveМова: англійська.Країна: МАЛІ ВІДДАЛЕНІ ОСТРОВИ СПОЛУЧЕНИХ ШТАТІВ.Вихідні дані: Littleton, Colorado : William Carey Library, ©2005Опис: XIp. + 379 p. ISBN: 978-0-87808-509-2.Індекс Дьюї (ДКД): 266.00882943Анотація: This is the final book in the three-volume 'Sharing Jesus in the Buddhist World' series. The works have been written by a group of Evangelical mission 'reflective practitioners,' who are committed to developing more effective ways to win the Buddhist peoples to the Lord Jesus Christ. The chapters in this volume were first presented as papers at a missiological forum held at the start of the sixth assembly of SEANET in January 2004 in Chiang Mai, Thailand. The opening chapter is a 'situationer' of where the Buddhist people groups are, and the next six describe some of the best models of mission approaches to reaching Buddhists. The last four chapters depict some of the past and present attempts at effective 'people movements' or 'church planting movements' in Thailand and Japan. We invite our readers to access the previous volumes, Sharing Jesus in the Buddhist World and Sharing Jesus Holistically with the Buddhist World, also edited by David Lim and Steve Spaulding. These works provide concrete models of contextualized witness to adherents of various Buddhist faiths, which number one billion today. All three books are rich resources for those committed to effective evangelization and transformation of nations in our generation.. Тип одиниці: Книги
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Бібліотека Української євангельскої теологічної семінарії Іноземний фонд Наукова література 266.00882943 LIM /1//1 (Огляд полиці(Відкривається нижче)) Доступно (Немає обмежень доступу) 42173-002011

This is the final book in the three-volume 'Sharing Jesus in the Buddhist World' series. The works have been written by a group of Evangelical mission 'reflective practitioners,' who are committed to developing more effective ways to win the Buddhist peoples to the Lord Jesus Christ. The chapters in this volume were first presented as papers at a missiological forum held at the start of the sixth assembly of SEANET in January 2004 in Chiang Mai, Thailand. The opening chapter is a 'situationer' of where the Buddhist people groups are, and the next six describe some of the best models of mission approaches to reaching Buddhists. The last four chapters depict some of the past and present attempts at effective 'people movements' or 'church planting movements' in Thailand and Japan. We invite our readers to access the previous volumes, Sharing Jesus in the Buddhist World and Sharing Jesus Holistically with the Buddhist World, also edited by David Lim and Steve Spaulding. These works provide concrete models of contextualized witness to adherents of various Buddhist faiths, which number one billion today. All three books are rich resources for those committed to effective evangelization and transformation of nations in our generation.

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