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Paul the Missionary : Realities, Strategies and Methods / Schnabel, Eckhard J.

Основний автор-особа: Автор, Schnabel, E. J. , 1955-, Eckhard J. Мова: англійська.Країна: СПОЛУЧЕНІ ШТАТИ АМЕРИКИ, ВЕЛИКА БРИТАНІЯ.Вихідні дані: Downers Grove, Illinois : Nottingham : AVP Academic, ‎Apollos, ©2008Опис: 518 p. ISBN: 978-0-8308-2887-6.Індекс Дьюї (ДКД): 225.92Примітки про зміст: Preface Abbreviations List of Figures and Tables Introduction 1. Missionary Strategies and Methods: Defining Terms 2. The Task of Missionary Work: Describing Goals 3. Missionary Methods as a Problem: Finding Solutions 4. Descriptive and Normative Readings: Hermeneutical Clarifications 1. The Missionary Work of the Apostle Paul 1.1 Paul, Apostle to Jews and Gentiles: Conversion and Call 1.2 Paul and Jerusalem 1.3 Paul in Arabia, Jerusalem, Cikicia and Syria 1.4 Paul on Cyprus and in Galatia 1.5 Paul in Macedonia and Achaia 1.6 Paul in the Province of Asia 1.7 Paul in Illyricum, Casarea, Rome, Spain, Crete and Rome 2. The Missionary Task According to Paul's Letters 2.1 The Letter to the Galatian Christians 2.2 The Letters to the Christians in Macedonia: Thessalonians and Philippians 2.3 The Letters to the Christian to Achaia: Corinthians 2.4 The Letter to the Christians in the City of Rome 2.5 The Letters to the Christians in Asia: Colossians and Ephesians 2.6 The Letters to Coworkers: Timothy and Tirus 2.7 The Apostle as Missionary, Pastor and Theologian 3 The Missionary Message of the Apostle Paul 3.1 Preaching Before Jewish Audiences 3.2 Preaching Before Gentile Audiences 3.3 Explaining the Gospel in Settings 3.4 Ideological Confrontation: The Proclamation of Jesus Messiah and Kyrios 3.5 Cultural Confrontation: The Explications of the Gospel 3.6 Pastoral Consolidation: Encouragement for the Followers of Jesus 3.7 Apologetic Confrontation: The Defense of the Gospel 4 The Missionary Goas of the Apostle Paul 4.1 Preaching the Gospel 4.2 Preaching the Gospel to Jews and to Gentiles 4.3 Geographical Movement 4.4 Conversion of Individuals 4.5 Estabishing Communities of Folowers of Jesus 4.6 Teaching New Converts 4.7 Training New Missionaries 5. The Missionary Methods of the Apostle Paul 5.1 Cities, Regions and Provinces 5.2 Synagogues, Marketplaces, Lecture Halls, Workshops and Private Houses 5.3 Ethnic Identity, Class and Culture 5.4 Establishing Contact as a public Speaker 5.5 The Persuasiveness of the Message: The Problem of Rhetoric 5.6 The Credibility of the Messenger 5.7 Explanations for Missionary Success 6. The Task of Missionary Work in the Twenty-First Century 6.1 The Calling and Sending of Missionaries 6.2 The Content of Missionary Proclamation 6.3 The Proclamation of the Gospel and Church Planting 6.4 The Teaching of the Followers of Jesus 6.5 The Purpose and the Work of the Local Church 6.6 The Challenge of Culture 6.7 The Power of God Bibliography Autor Index Subject Index Scripture Index Анотація: Eckhard Schnabel's two-volume Early Christian Mission is widely recognized as the most complete and authoritative contemporary study of the first-century Christian missionary movement. Now in Paul the Missionary Schnabel condenses volume two of the set, drawing on his research to provide a manageable study for students of Paul as well as students and practitioners of Christian mission today. Schnabel first focuses the spotlight on Paul's missionary work--the realities he faced, and the strategies and methods he employed. Applying his grasp of the wide range of ancient sources and of contemporary scholarship, he clarifies our understanding, expands our knowledge and corrects our misconceptions of Paul the missionary. In a final chapter Schnabel shines the recovered light of Paul's missionary methods and practices on Christian mission today. Much like Roland Allen's classic Missionary Methods: St. Paul's or Ours? of nearly a century ago, Schnabel offers both praise and criticism. For those who take the time to immerse themselves in the world of Paul's missionary endeavor, this final chapter will be both rewarding and searching.. Тип одиниці: Книги
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List of Figures and Tables
1. Missionary Strategies and Methods: Defining Terms
2. The Task of Missionary Work: Describing Goals
3. Missionary Methods as a Problem: Finding Solutions
4. Descriptive and Normative Readings:
Hermeneutical Clarifications
1. The Missionary Work of the Apostle Paul
1.1 Paul, Apostle to Jews and Gentiles: Conversion and Call
1.2 Paul and Jerusalem
1.3 Paul in Arabia, Jerusalem, Cikicia and Syria
1.4 Paul on Cyprus and in Galatia
1.5 Paul in Macedonia and Achaia
1.6 Paul in the Province of Asia
1.7 Paul in Illyricum, Casarea, Rome, Spain, Crete and Rome
2. The Missionary Task According to Paul's Letters
2.1 The Letter to the Galatian Christians
2.2 The Letters to the Christians in Macedonia: Thessalonians and Philippians
2.3 The Letters to the Christian to Achaia: Corinthians
2.4 The Letter to the Christians in the City of Rome
2.5 The Letters to the Christians in Asia: Colossians and Ephesians
2.6 The Letters to Coworkers: Timothy and Tirus
2.7 The Apostle as Missionary, Pastor and Theologian
3 The Missionary Message of the Apostle Paul
3.1 Preaching Before Jewish Audiences
3.2 Preaching Before Gentile Audiences
3.3 Explaining the Gospel in Settings
3.4 Ideological Confrontation: The Proclamation of Jesus Messiah and Kyrios
3.5 Cultural Confrontation: The Explications of the Gospel
3.6 Pastoral Consolidation: Encouragement for the Followers of Jesus
3.7 Apologetic Confrontation: The Defense of the Gospel
4 The Missionary Goas of the Apostle Paul
4.1 Preaching the Gospel
4.2 Preaching the Gospel to Jews and to Gentiles
4.3 Geographical Movement
4.4 Conversion of Individuals
4.5 Estabishing Communities of Folowers of Jesus
4.6 Teaching New Converts
4.7 Training New Missionaries
5. The Missionary Methods of the Apostle Paul
5.1 Cities, Regions and Provinces
5.2 Synagogues, Marketplaces, Lecture Halls, Workshops and Private Houses
5.3 Ethnic Identity, Class and Culture
5.4 Establishing Contact as a public Speaker
5.5 The Persuasiveness of the Message: The Problem of Rhetoric
5.6 The Credibility of the Messenger
5.7 Explanations for Missionary Success
6. The Task of Missionary Work in the Twenty-First Century
6.1 The Calling and Sending of Missionaries
6.2 The Content of Missionary Proclamation
6.3 The Proclamation of the Gospel and Church Planting
6.4 The Teaching of the Followers of Jesus
6.5 The Purpose and the Work of the Local Church
6.6 The Challenge of Culture
6.7 The Power of God
Autor Index
Subject Index
Scripture Index

Eckhard Schnabel's two-volume Early Christian Mission is widely recognized as the most complete and authoritative contemporary study of the first-century Christian missionary movement. Now in Paul the Missionary Schnabel condenses volume two of the set, drawing on his research to provide a manageable study for students of Paul as well as students and practitioners of Christian mission today.
Schnabel first focuses the spotlight on Paul's missionary work--the realities he faced, and the strategies and methods he employed. Applying his grasp of the wide range of ancient sources and of contemporary scholarship, he clarifies our understanding, expands our knowledge and corrects our misconceptions of Paul the missionary.
In a final chapter Schnabel shines the recovered light of Paul's missionary methods and practices on Christian mission today. Much like Roland Allen's classic Missionary Methods: St. Paul's or Ours? of nearly a century ago, Schnabel offers both praise and criticism. For those who take the time to immerse themselves in the world of Paul's missionary endeavor, this final chapter will be both rewarding and searching.

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