Українська євангельська теологічна семінарія
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Transgressive Devotion : Theology as Performance Art / Wigg-Stevenson, Natalie

Основний автор-особа: Wigg-Stevenson, N., Wigg-Stevenson, Natalie, АвторМова: англійська.Країна: ВЕЛИКА БРИТАНІЯ.Вихідні дані: London : SCM Press, 2021ISBN: 978-0-33405-947-9.Індекс Дьюї (ДКД): 231Анотація: Academic theology is in need of a new genre. In "Transgressive Devotion" Natalie Wigg-Stevenson articulates a theological vision of that genre as performance art. She argues that theology done as performance art stops trying to describe who God is, and starts trying to make God appear. Recognising that the act of studying theology or practicing ministry is always a performance, where the boundaries between what we see, feel, experience and learn are not just blurred but potentially invisible, Wigg-Stevenson brings together ethnographic theological fieldwork, historical and contemporary Christian theological traditions, and performance artworks themselves. A daring vision of theology which will energise anybody feeling ‘boxed in’ by the discipline, Transgressive Devotion blurs borders between orthodoxy, heterodoxy and heresy to reveal how the very act of doing theology makes God and humanity vulnerable to each other. This is theology which is a liturgy of Divine incantation. In other words: this is theology which is also prayer. Тип одиниці: Книги
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Бібліотека Української євангельскої теологічної семінарії Іноземний фонд Наукова література 231 WIG /1//1 (Огляд полиці(Відкривається нижче)) Доступно (Немає обмежень доступу) 42173-004058
Огляд полиці бібліотеки/підрозділу: „Бібліотека Української євангельскої теологічної семінарії“, Поличне розташування: Іноземний фонд, Зібрання: Наукова література Зачинити оглядач полиці (Зачинити оглядач полиці)
231 PAC /1//1 Knowing God 231 PAC /1//2 Knowing God 231 PHI /1//2 Your God Is Too Small, A Guide for Believers and Skeptics Alike 231 WIG /1//1 Transgressive Devotion, Theology as Performance Art 231 WOL /1//1 The God We Worship, An Exploration of Liturgical Theology (Kantzer Lectures in Revealed Theology 231.044 CHE /1//1 Delighting in the Trinity, Just Why Are Father, Son, and Spirit Such Good News? 231.044 DUR /1//1 Reordering the Trinity, Six Movements of God in the New Testament

Academic theology is in need of a new genre. In "Transgressive Devotion" Natalie Wigg-Stevenson articulates a theological vision of that genre as performance art. She argues that theology done as performance art stops trying to describe who God is, and starts trying to make God appear. Recognising that the act of studying theology or practicing ministry is always a performance, where the boundaries between what we see, feel, experience and learn are not just blurred but potentially invisible, Wigg-Stevenson brings together ethnographic theological fieldwork, historical and contemporary Christian theological traditions, and performance artworks themselves. A daring vision of theology which will energise anybody feeling ‘boxed in’ by the discipline, Transgressive Devotion blurs borders between orthodoxy, heterodoxy and heresy to reveal how the very act of doing theology makes God and humanity vulnerable to each other. This is theology which is a liturgy of Divine incantation. In other words: this is theology which is also prayer

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