Українська євангельська теологічна семінарія
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Локальне зображення обкладинки

Charis and Charisma : David Yonggi Cho and the Growth of Yoido Full Gospel Church / Myung, Sung-Hoon; Hong, Young-Gi (ed.)

Альтернативний автор-особа: Myung, S.-H., 1956-, Myung, Sung-Hoon, Редактор;Hong, Y.-G., Hong, Young-Gi, 1957-, РедакторМова: англійська.Країна: ВЕЛИКА БРИТАНІЯ.Вихідні дані: Oxford : Regnum Books International, 2003ISBN: 978-1-870345-45-3.Індекс Дьюї (ДКД): 254.5Анотація: Founded by David Yonggi Cho, Yoido Full Gospel Church is the world's largest church. This book discusses the factors responsible for its phenomenal growth and expounds on the roles of leadership, the Holy Spirit, prayer, preaching, cell groups, and creativity in promoting church growth. It focusses on God's grace (charis) and inspiring leadership (charisma) as the two essential factors for church growth, and in this context examines the part David Yonggi Cho's personal charisma and his ideas and principles have played in causing growth. The purpose of the book is to present a model for church growth worldwide. Тип одиниці: Книги
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Бібліотека Української євангельскої теологічної семінарії Іноземний фонд Наукова література 254.5 CHA /1//1 (Огляд полиці(Відкривається нижче)) Доступно (Немає обмежень доступу) 42173-021089

Founded by David Yonggi Cho, Yoido Full Gospel Church is the world's largest church. This book discusses the factors responsible for its phenomenal growth and expounds on the roles of leadership, the Holy Spirit, prayer, preaching, cell groups, and creativity in promoting church growth. It focusses on God's grace (charis) and inspiring leadership (charisma) as the two essential factors for church growth, and in this context examines the part David Yonggi Cho's personal charisma and his ideas and principles have played in causing growth. The purpose of the book is to present a model for church growth worldwide

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