225.7 TAS /4//1
Tasker, R.V.G. ;
The Gospel according to John : Introduction and commentary / Tasker R. V. G.. — Grand Rapids : Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 2002. — (Tyndale New Testament Commentaries). — ISBN 0-8028-1403-4
ДКД 225.7 226.5
ДКД 225.7 226.5
The author has divided the Gospel into sections, commented on each section as a whole, and added further notes on points of particular exegetical interest and importance. This concise commentary has been written especially for those who have neither the leisure nor the need for studying the larger commentaries. It has been written so that they might gain a fuller understanding of the meaning of the text and a deeper appreciation of the abiding truths contained in what is the simplest and yet the most profound of the Christian Gospels.