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Kuiper, R.B. ;
The glorious body of Christ : Scriptural appreciation of the One Holy Church / R. B. Kuiper. — First British edition. — London : Banner of Truth Trust, 1967. — 383 p.
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1. The antiquity and perpetuity of the church
2. The church visible and invisible
3. The church militant and triumphant
4. The church transcendent
5. Unity and diversity
6. Unity and division
7. The ideal of visible unity
8. Holiness
9. Catholicity
10. Apostolicity
11. Illumination
12. Progressiveness
13. Indestructibility
14. The glorious head of the church
15. The harmonious members of the church
16. The church and the truth
17. The church and salvation
18. An organism and an organization
19. Exalted offices
20. The universal office
21. Special offices
22. The office of the minister
23. The office of the ruling elder
24. The office of the deacon
25. The double responsibility of the church
26. The supreme task of the church
27. Preacher of repentence
28. Preacher of good tidings
29. Preacher of salvation by grace
30. Preacher of Christian gratitude
31. Preacher of Christ's kinship
32. Blessed sacraments
33. Holy children
34. Teacher of covenant youth
35. Teacher of adult believers
36. Conveyor of comfort
37. Ecclesiastical evangelism
38. Educational evangelism
39. Antithetical to the world
40. A blessing to the world
41. Separated from the world
42. Conqueror of the world
43. The inclusiveness of the church
44. The exclusiveness of the church
45. The keys of the kingdom
46. Salutary discipline
47. The sovereignty of the church
48. God's elect
49. God's friends
50. God's abode
51. The essence of corporate worship
52. The quality of corporate worship
53. The bride of the lamb
The Glorious Body contains the aspects of the subject dealt with are unity, the marks of the Church, the offices of the Church, its responsibilities and privileges, and the Church and the world.