253 WHI /1//1
White, J. ;
Excellence in Leadership : The Pattern of Nehemiah / John White. — Leicester, England : Inter-Varsity Press, 1986. — ISBN 0-85110-482-7
ДКД 235
ДКД 235
1. Meeting the Man
2. The Leader & Prayer
3. The Leader & Organization
4. The Leader & the Work
5. The Leader & Opposition
6. The Leader & Opposition from Within
7. The Leader & Personal Attacks
8. The Leader & Renewal
9. The Leader & Endurance

John White points to Nehemiah as a pattern for leadership. With his usual wisdom and biblical insight, he shows us Nehemiah as a man of prayer and a man of action; a firm leaders and a servant of his people; a realist and a visionary. In this book Nehemiah steps across the years to confront squarely the crises and excitement facing leaders today.