266 CHA /1//1
Chao, Jonathan (ed.) ;
The China Mission Handbook : A Portrait of China and Its Church / Jonathan Chao, ed.. — Hong Kong, China : Chinese Church Research Center, 1989. — 272 pages : ill.. — ISBN 962-7089-17-0 (soft cover)
ДКД 266 269.2 275.1
ДКД 266 269.2 275.1
I. Perspectives on the Church in China
1. A China Mosaic
2. History of Christianity in China
3. The State of the Church in New China
4. Dynamics of Christian Growth in China
5. The Church in China and the Church Universal

II. Province and Minority People Guides
6. A Guide to China's Provinces
7. A Guide to China's Minorities

III. Practical Information on China
8. Notes on Romanization/Pinyin
9. Christian Prisoners in China
10. Periodicals and Books on China
11. Open Cities Directory
12. Directories of Registered Churches, Approved Meeting Points and TSPM Seminaries
13. Tips for Christian Visitors to China