261.85 CAN /1//1
Cantelon, W. ;
The Day the Dollar Dies / Willard Cantelon, W.. — Plainfield, New Jersey : Logos International, 1973. — 149 pages. — ISBN 0-88270-170-3
ДКД 261.8 261
ДКД 261.8 261
1. The Search
2. A Secret of Power
3. The Emerging Picture
4. An Early Beginning
5. A Whole World at War
6. How Will the Dollar Die?
7. Banks and Bankers - Yesterday and Today
8. The Computer Age
9. Coming to an End
10. The Earth Will Shake
11. Two Man-Made Solutions: Communism and the UN
12. The March Toward Armageddon
13. Man Loses Hope in Man
World prophecy and world finance are two of the most fascinating and timely topics in the news today. Now for hte first time, an expert in both fields draws on a lifeti of reserach to provide a provocative insight into what light the Bible can shed upon these perilous times.