262.1 SCH /1//1
Schmidt, W. ;
Leading When God Is Moving / Wayne Schmidt. — Indianapolis, Indiana : Wesleyan Publishing House, 1996. — 122 pages. — ISBN 0-89827-166-5
ДКД 262.1 262 254.1 254.5
ДКД 262.1 262 254.1 254.5
1. Where Do We Go From Here?
2. Discovering God's New Frontier
3. Courage That Counts
4. Moving Forward Together
5. Time for a Reality Check
6. Focusing on Priorities
7. Don't Stop Now
8. A Legacy Worth Following
This book identifies spiritual principles for change management from the Old Testament book of Joshua. Follow in Joshua's footsteps and learn how he anticipates and responds to change by relying on God's guidance. Fueled by spiritual momentum in an atmostphere charged with commitment, discover God's expectations for effective spiritual leadership.