236.25 POW /1//1
Powys, D.J. ;
Hell: A Hard Look at a Hard Question : The Fate of the Unrighteous in New Testament Thought / Powys, D.J.. — Carlisle : Paternoster Press, 1998. — ISBN 0-85364-831-X
ДКД 236.25 236
ДКД 236.25 236
The fate of the unrighteousness in Christian thought.
Classical perspectives on the fate of the unrighteous.
The fate of the unrighteous in modern thought.
The foundation for a new quest to discern the fate of the unrighteous in New Testament thought.
'Life', 'death' and 'judgment' in the Old Testament .
The politico-cultural challenges of the Greek and Hasmonean eras and the resultant responses .
The politico-cultural challenge of the Roman Empire and the resultant responses .
The context of Jesus' teaching about human fate : 'salvation' as 'compensation' in Jewish thought prior to the fall of Jerusalem.
Divine rule and resurrection hope. The fate of the unrighteous in New Testament thought .
The fate of the unrighteous in the Synoptic Gospels.
The fate of the unrighteous in the Pauline Corpus.
The fate of the unrighteous in the Johannine literature The fate of the unrighteous in Jude, Peter, Hebrews and James.