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Fangipane, F. ;
The house of the Lord : God's plan to liberate your city from darkness / Francis Frangipane. — Lake Mary, FL : Creation House, 1991. — 202 p.. — ISBN 0-88419-284-9
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I. Cleansing the Lord's house
1. Cleansing the Holy place
2. The building site of the temple
3. Obtaining the endorsement of God
4. The credibility factor
5. One purpose: reveal the fullness of Christ
6. Unrelenting love
II. When the Lord builds the house
7. When the Lord builds His house
8. Forgiveness and the future of your city
9. The house of prayer
10. Fighting for the nation and the church
11. Even Sodom
12. The wings of the eagle
III. The anointing to build
13. The anointing to build
14. The stone the builders rejected
15. By wisdom the house is built
16. The dynamics of revival
17. Spiritual authority and the things we love
18. The house of glory
IV. Our strategy: Obedience to Christ
19. Exposing the accuser of the brethren
20. God's strategy for our cities
21. It takes a citywide church
22. Our authority in Christ
23. The battle after a breakthrough
Frangipane shows churches how to lay aside individual differences and doctrines and come together united in worship and warfare--to rebuild the house of the Lord and bring healing to their cities.